• (A) “In Search Of Incredible” By Ripple Root

    ASUS takes its name from the Pegasus – the winged horse of Greek mythology. Seen here is the Pegasus mascot, portrayed by Ripple Root, on a folkloric quest for discovery and wonder. A surrealistic backdrop to be viewed as a whole, details such as the sky – made of concentric circles (a ZenBook signature pattern), and the characters featuring the likes of ‘Orang Laut’ and other mythical animals.

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  • (B) “Fast Vs Slow” By Dawn Koh

    Dawn reinterprets a myriad of themes in her work as a paper artist. Here, she delves into ASUS’s extensive history and sieves out key milestones to infuse into her installation piece. A mirror image into the creative power of ASUS’s advancements over the years, the piece sees Dawn crafting her signature paper flowers into a series of growth stages. Elegantly marrying the concept of diversity – which is at the heart of her work, with an eclecticism of creative minds and professionals that ASUS caters to, the entire plant is constructed with different flower types. The growing roots symbolise the brand’s deep impact and unshakeable foundation.

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  • (C) “Vivid Impressions” By Daryl Aiden Yow

    Vivid Impressions is a delightfully colourful journey that traverses the fine line between surreal and commonplace. Working his magic on the ASUS ZenBook Pro, Daryl Aiden invites you to thrust yourself into vividly vibrant canvasses that draw you into unexpected realms that will ignite the experiential tactility that colours can create.

  • (D) “I Got Your Back” By Jalon Tan

    Across time, where there is Man, there are pets. Recalling his childhood being surrounded by his furry companions, Jalon wondered if the animal-centric art that he creates today has any connection to ones he grew up with years ago – perhaps this is what they call law of attraction; a phenomenon that has become a deep well of inspiration for his art.

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  • (E) “Mo” By Teresa Lim

    The intricately-embroidered piece, Mo (or 摸- meaning touch in Chinese), is a visual representation of the flow of creativity and the artist’s relationship with wondrous colours and tactility. Inspired by the Intelligent Screenpad on the ASUS ZenBook, the overlapping flow of textures on the laptop signifies a merge between a traditional craft medium and technology – a fusion that soars imagination and creativity to new grounds.

  • (F) “Zendoodles Pro” By Band Of Doodlers

    Inspired by the ASUS ZenBook Pro, the doodles feature lifestyle elements hand-drawn on a structure resembling the laptop. Colours are used strategically to showcase the “dual screen” feature of the ASUS ZenBook Pro.Inspired by the ASUS ZenBook Pro, the doodles feature lifestyle elements hand-drawn on a structure resembling the laptop. In order to shine light on the Intelligent Screenpad, which functions as a second screen for the end users, Band of Doodlers added RGB colours strategically on the structure. The pop of colour, out of the norm from Band of Doodlers’ signature black-and-white doodles, showcases the impressive “dual screen” feature of the ASUS ZenBook Pro, and highlights the vibrancy of its 4K touchscreen.

  • (G) “Untitled Sound Drawing” By Goh Abigail

    The dual-channel installation explores the materiality of visual sounds, and how they serve as a sense of supplement to aural musical compositions. For this installation, Goh Abigail collaborated with two musically-trained vocalists to sight-sing her drawings as a form of musical score. Along with text, images and colours invoked by the songs, the vocalists’ recordings are transformed into an open-ended piece which provides a vivid visual-aural experience (amplified by the superior Harmon Kardon speakers in the ASUS laptops) that transcends mind space.