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Mobile hotspot driver

in my asus vivobook 16x M1603QA my wifi driver works good. But the mobile hotspot driver is not working properly, it turns on but no devices can connect to it and the QR code in the hotpost tab is blinking and vanishingmy driver installed is MediaTek...

Uniformity compensation

I have new Asus PA32UCXR for photography editing. When i set ON Uniformity compensation, then this hapen. Right corner get pink cast. When i turn OFF that function, picture is great. I thought,..this function should make brightness and colors more un...


Rog 8更新後有提供電話ai即時翻譯可以像12Ultra一樣再增加line的通話語音即時翻譯嗎?



Rog phone6相機(3/10更新)

更新發文(原文被鎖住了)1/15的時候,網路小編在私訊中承諾,若經檢測無外力所導致的壞損,如需更換到零件,可提供零件的免費更換,結果3/10維修打過來跟我報價主板16800,我整個黑人問號???奉勸各位不要太相信小編說的話,想入手rog系列的也再想一下 原文我的6代相機無法切換鏡頭問題,目前第三塊主板第一塊保固快過,無法切換前置鏡頭,用保固換了一片第二片過了三個月,後鏡頭無法對焦,用保險換了一片,客服說這片主板有三個月保固目前的第三片主板,用了三個月已經開始有無法 切換相機的情況了想請問皇家俱樂...

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Zenfone 10 on Android 15 Update

Hello! I just want to ask how's the performance of Zenfone 10 on Android 15. If you could give an in-depth review of Android 15 in terms of:camera updates (if there ever were),bypass charging (I've seen a post here in reddit and asus community site t...

Enable volTe Orange un Spain

Hello. Please enable volTe for Orange in Spain. I know it is compatible, since entering the code *#*#3642623344#*#* enables it, but it is very annoying to have to enter the code every time I turn on the phone. Please enable volTe Orange Spain.

Jesp_r by Rising Star II
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ZenWiFi BD5 wifi順斷到懷疑人生

型號 ZenWiFi BD5韌體序號 SAIG7M657315FWX請ASUS的客服幫幫忙,這台的wifi順斷到讓我懷疑人生,我是買兩台裝的版本,wifi在一個小時內可以順斷五六次(同時的有線網路都沒問題),我基本都沒改過預設值,也嘗試看了官網關於改善無線易斷線的文章,但還是很多不明白的地方,原本想寫mail附上系統內的設定、wifi日誌那些給客服幫忙看看,但居然官網都找不到mail信箱買過好多次asus網通產...

Legc by Visitor
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