

Eastern Cape
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
The Junktion Buy & Sell | www.thejunktion.co.za | 043 721 0 753 | Eastern Cape |
Softech Computer | www.howzitsa.com | 041 363 0 238 | Eastern Cape |
RBS Computers | www.rbsit.co.za | 041-363-5110 | Eastern Cape |
LinkIT Solutions | www.linkitsolutions.co.za | 087 160 0048 | Eastern Cape |
PC Max | www.pcmax.co.za | 043 726 0 080 | Eastern Cape |
MicroFusion | www.microfusion.co.za | 041 379 4 357 | Eastern Cape |
Millennium Delta Computers | https://web.facebook.com/pages/category/Electronics/Millennium-computer-341711779252821/?_rdc=1&_rdr | 047 531 0 666 | Eastern Cape |
The PC Shop | www.thepcshop.co.za | 043 721 2 300 | Eastern Cape |
Jeltech | www.jeltech.co.za | 043 555 60 53 | Eastern Cape |
Rubicon Johannesburg | www.rubiconsa.com/ | 041-451-4359 | Eastern Cape |
Free State
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
Compuden | https://www.compuden.co.za/ | 064-532-0749 | Free State |
COMPUTER COMPONENT DISTRIBUTOR CC | http://www.ccdbloem.co.za/ | 051-447-4706 | Free State |
L&K Computers | N/A | 057-357-3873 | Free State |
Thepa Trading | https://www.thepatrading.com/ | 057-357-2305 | Free State |
Wonderbiz Trading | N/A | 071-678-5866 | Free State |
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
Consulting 2000 | N/A | 083-441-1255 | Gauteng |
Afrika Tikkun | https://afrikatikkun.org/ | 082-801-7951 | Gauteng |
EIS | https://www.ei-s.co.za/ | 011-056-6338 | Gauteng |
More Real Information | N/A | 011 869 2980 | Gauteng |
NOTEBOOK RENEW CC | N/A | 011-837-5721 | Gauteng |
Offitech Solutions | https://www.offitech.co.za/ | 082-264-9200 | Gauteng |
STORAGE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (PTY) LTD | https://www.stortech.co.za/ | 011-808-6309 | Gauteng |
THAMANI TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD | https://www.thamanitech.com/ | 083-428-6775 | Gauteng |
UNCOMMON LEGACY (PTY) LTD | https://uncommonlegacy.co.za/ | (072) 750 5979 | Gauteng |
VECTRA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD | https://www.vectra.co.za/ | 010-003-1688 | Gauteng |
My Mobile ZA | https://www.mymobileza.com/ | 011 465 5669 | Gauteng |
Advanced Training Systems (Pty) Ltd | https://advancedassessments.co.za/ | 011-886-1740 | Gauteng |
Avico Solutions (pty) Ltd | https://www.avico.pro/ | roushal@avico.pro | Gauteng |
Executive Solutions (Pty) Ltd | https://es.co.za/ | 011-608-3000 | Gauteng |
Forbtech | http://forbtech.co.za/ | 011-867-5990 | Gauteng |
DYNAMIC IT CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD | https://www.ditc.co.za/ | 082-629-5062 | Gauteng |
Inspireware (Pty) Ltd | https://inspireware.co.za/ | 082-870-6220 | Gauteng |
Integrove (Pty) Ltd | https://integrove.com/ | 081-798-1631 | Gauteng |
MAAZA COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES CC | https://maaza-computer-technologies.business.site/ | 011-854-8359 | Gauteng |
Network Integrated Technologies | https://www.networkit.co.za/ | 011-234-2060 | Gauteng |
Oasis Intelligent IT Solutions (Pty) Ltd | https://theoasis.co.za/ | 011-784-9167 | Gauteng |
Phone A Nerd (Pty) Ltd | N/A | 079 512 6809 | Gauteng |
Salvari | https://salvari.co.za/ | 073-081-3724 | Gauteng |
Sounds Great Technologies | https://www.stax.co.za/ | 082 447 0923 | Gauteng |
THE ULTIMATE GADGET SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD | http://www.gadgetsolutions.co.za/ | 073-589-1449 | Gauteng |
MEDINA ELEC & COMP | https://tribalzonetradingcc.co.za/ | 011-852-1185 | Gauteng |
VTC | https://www.vtcholdings.co.za/ | 082 339 3783 | Gauteng |
Zulzi PTY LTD | 011-039-2565 | 011-039-2565 | Gauteng |
Accomp Systems | www.accomp.co.za | 011-478-2205 | Gauteng |
Aptronics | www.aptronics.co.za | 011 577 0800 | Gauteng |
ASG Computers | https://www.asg.co.za/ | 086-100-5179 | Gauteng |
Bucan Office Equipment | http://www.bucan.co.za/ | 015-295-9160 | Gauteng |
BUSINESS IMAGES HOLDINGS | https://businessimages.co.za/ | 011-251-0600 | Gauteng |
Centurion Technology Support Services | www.centechonline.co.za | 012-663-7836 | Gauteng |
Computers Only | https://www.computersonly.co.za/ | 011-312-3230 | Gauteng |
Colab IT | http://www.colabit.co.za/ | 011 011 8008 | Gauteng |
COMPU-WORX | www.compu.worx.net | 011 918 9319 | Gauteng |
Comxpert International | www.comx.co.za | 012 665 1136 | Gauteng |
DELTA 5 GAMES | www.delta5.co.za | 012-543-9228 | Gauteng |
DBS Technology | https://dbstechnology.co.za/ | 011 243 5000 | Gauteng |
DNN Technologies | https://www.dnntech.co.za/ | 010-592-0093 | Gauteng |
Edgetec Systems | https://www.edgetec.co.za/ | 011 804 7141 | Gauteng |
ESQUIRE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD | www.esquire.co.za | 071 325 4138 | Gauteng |
Lamont Information Technology | https://www.litsa.co.za/ | 011 447 3897 | Gauteng |
Nambiti Technologies | https://www.nambititechnologies.co.za/ | 011-654-4557 | Gauteng |
Nantec | https://www.nantec.co.za/ | 0796064037/0829083350 | Gauteng |
Neo Technologies | https://www.neo.co.za/ | 012 371 2300 | Gauteng |
Netsurit | https://netsurit.com/en-za/managed-it-services-johannesburg/ | 011-555-7000 | Gauteng |
The Notebook Company | https://notebook.co.za/ | 012-34 22900 | Gauteng |
PC Palace | http://www.pcpalace.co.za/ | 012 644 6300 | Gauteng |
Piazza On Site Support | N/A | 011-787-8540 | Gauteng |
Sole Technologies | https://soletech.co.za/ | 012 345 2834 | Gauteng |
Surat Computers | http://www.surat.co.za/ | 015-516-3936 | Gauteng |
TECHCOZA | https://tech.co.za/ | 012 943 0123 | Gauteng |
VELOCITY GROUP | https://www.velocitygroup.co.za/ | +27 (0) 11 018 1700 | Gauteng |
We R IT | https://www.werit.co.za/ | 011 440 2610 | Gauteng |
Zamanguni Automation | http://www.zamanguni.co.za/ | 011 326 0460 | Gauteng |
SUPIMA COMPUTERS | https://www.supima.co.za/ | 011 789 4076 | Gauteng |
RUNNING COMPUTERS | http://www.rc.co.za/ | 011 310 7220 | Gauteng |
NEC XON Holdings Pty Ltd | https://www.nec.xon.co.za | 011 237 4500 | Gauteng |
BWL Technologies | https://www.bwltech.com/ | 011-568-6366 | Gauteng |
O'Nero Creative Solutions | www.cs.onero.co.za | 012 940 8243 | Gauteng |
SENSORY LOGIX PTY) LTD | https://sensorylogix.com/ | 082-553-2517 | Gauteng |
ON TIME STATIONERS | http://ontimestationers.co.za/ | 0112-49-9988 | Gauteng |
Onelogix | https://www.onelogix.com/ | 084-245-5702 | Gauteng |
Netflow IT Solutions | N/A | 012-663-3320 | Gauteng |
First In Business Solutions | https://www.storage.co.za/ | 078-599-7037 | Gauteng |
CloudCo | https://cloudco.co.za/ | 086-999-0874 | Gauteng |
TVR Distribution | www.tvr.co.za | 011 807 1390 | Gauteng |
Kwazulu Natal
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
Computer World | https://computer-world.co.za/ | 031-765-4438 | Kwazulu Natal |
P&G General Dealers &Repairs | N/A | 031 7016525 | Kwazulu Natal |
Onsite Computers | N/A | 035-789-8544 | Kwazulu Natal |
LOGIX DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT CC | N/A | 084-903-2783 | Kwazulu Natal |
ESQUIRE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD | www.esquire.co.za | 071 325 4138 | KZN |
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
Kozmic Solutionz | https://kozmicsolutionz.co.za/ | 015-004-0014 | Limpopo |
Sollys Discount World | http://www.sollys.co.za/ | 015-5161-535 | Limpopo |
North West
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
BLUETEK COMPUTERS | https://bluetek.co.za/ | 018-381-1487 | North West |
Northern Cape
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
URB - ICT Pty Ltd | www.urb.co.za | 054 337 6 555 | Northern Cape |
Western Cape
Trading Name | Website | Office Number | Province |
ACP Computers | www.pczone.co.za | 021 851 7 242 | Western Cape |
Chaos Computers | www.chaoscomputers.co.za | 021-762-5651 | Western Cape |
Boland Network And IT | www.bnit.co.za | 023 004 0 599 | Western Cape |
Cape PC Services | www.pcservices.co.za | 021 883 8 271 | Western Cape |
Complete Office Solutions | www.completeoffice.co.za | 021-852-5700 | Western Cape |
DC3 Distribution | www.dc3.co.za | 021 914 7 833 | Western Cape |
Cape Gadget | www.capegadgets.co.za | 081 755 1279 | Western Cape |
Epirus Computers | www.epiruscomputers.co.za | 044 011 0 012 | Western Cape |
Grit Procurement Solutions | www.gritprocurement.co.za | 082 906 2 379 | Western Cape |
IT Future Computer Solution | www.itfuture.co.za | 044 382 0460 | Western Cape |
IT Brilliance | https://web.facebook.com/IT-BRILLIANCE-OUDTSHOORN-1904618993202239/?_rdc=1&_rdr | 044 272 2 259 | Western Cape |
Jay Slam Computers | www.JaySlamTechnology.co.za | 082 441 6 769 | Western Cape |
Kaizen Legacy | www.platinumselection.co.za | 073 294 8 325 | Western Cape |
Khusela Solutions | www.khusela.co.za | 021 552 9 101 | Western Cape |
Active Systems | www.active.co.za | 021 886 6 202 | Western Cape |
Novation Technologies | www.novationtech.co.za | 086 111 7 772 | Western Cape |
Rebel Gaming | www.rebelgaming.co.za | 083 608 8 899 | Western Cape |
Ricoh Garden Route | www.ricoh.co.za | 044 874 4781 | Western Cape |
TechFox | www.techfox.co.za | 072 329 4 205 | Western Cape |
TechGear SA | www.techgearsa.co.za | 023 347 7 797 | Western Cape |
Xorbtec | www.xorbtec.co.za | 044 533 5 639 | Western Cape |
Yomelele Business Solutions | www.ybss.co.za | 082 377 3 338 | Western Cape |
ESQUIRE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD | www.esquire.co.za | 071 325 4138 | Western Cape |
FrogFoot | https://www.frogfootfibre.com/ | 021-448-7225 | Western Cape |