- Driver & Tools
Fixed Silicon 3114 RAID mode fail when using ASUS EN7950GX2 PCIE VGA Card.
Latest beta BIOS.
1- Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
2- Update awdflash.exe to v1.14
3- Remove 2.88MB floppy item value
1. Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
2. Fix unstable under 400MHz-Single channel issue.
3. Modify DDR max speed from 400MHz to 333Hz when full loading.
1. Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
1. Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
2. Update nVidia onboard Lan PXE ROM to V215.0503
3. Fixed system will hang in memory test 2.09GB if Quick Boot disabled.
4. Change class code of SATA to fit new Driver (WHQL) if RAID is enabled.
5. Fixed system cannot detect ARC 12xx Serial ATA RAID Host adapter.
6. Fixed K8 Vcore will set wrong value under AI-Booster.
1.Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
2.Fixed "ASUS Update" can't update BIOS when using Dual Core CPU.
3.Fixed NOS can't work after enabled NOS by AI-Booster.
4.Set CPU VID Item max value as 1.55V when using 1.40V/1.35V CPU.
5.Fixed it fails to boot when Enabled NOS function.
Fix sometimes failed to enter S3.
1. Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
2. Support CPU Voltage warning message on POST
3. Add Help String for AI-NET.
4. Add AI-Selector Item
5. Modify SETUP String and it's discription of DRAM Over 4G remapping function
1.Fixed after resuming from S3, the CPU multiplier and CPU clock will be restored to default value if user overclock.
2.Fixed show wrong device (ZIP) on summary screen when PATA controller was disabled. It should show 'None'.
3.Change the CHIP fan fail threshold RPM to fix sometimes POST will wrong show CHIP Fan fail Msg.
4.Update A8N-SLI Deluxe Logo.
5.Add Memory Re-map function SETUP Item.
Fixed S3 resume fail in SLI mode.
Add CPU, CHIP, Chassis Fan check Item in Setup and set Chassis Fan checking default to Disabled.
Show SATA mode on summary screen.
Update NVRAID BIOS to 4.81.
1. Re-translation item strings, value and help to French.
2. Fixed asus update 64bit OS fail
3. Fixed AMD Athlon64 CPU's Processor Family will be wrong shown as 'Opteron'
4. Support nVidia DualGPU PCIE VGA card.
5. Change CopyRight year from 2004 to 2005.
6. Support PEG for ATI X850 PCIE card.
7. Modify Cool 'n' Quiet string and default value.
8. Correct Hyper Transport item string for multi-language.
Enable S1 when in SLI mode
First release Bios