AMD Radeon Introduction
AMD Radeon Introduction
AMD is one of the top laptop GPU providers in the world. Some ASUS laptops, such as TUF Gaming Advantage Edition series, are equipped with the AMD Radeon™graphics cards.
To allow users to tailor their usage experience to their needs, AMD has released AMD Radeon Software, available for the laptops equipped with these GPUs. Read on to learn more about what AMD Radeon Software is and what functions it has as we walk you through its main pages.
Home Page
- Launch or change graphics settings for each game
- View recently played games
- Check stats like time played and average FPS
Game Page
- Launch your game or tune performance
- Enable features and personalize your graphics
Performance Page
- View metrics, tune performance or check out recommendations
- Check out performance
- Settings Advisor

System settings
Graphics settings
Display settings
Video settings

You can also refer to AMD official website here.