[Microsoft AI Feature] Microsoft Paint

Paint now comes with new AI-powered tools to help you edit images like a pro and create art like a visionary. Included in the latest version of Windows 11, Paint is your new creative partner.


Image Creator
Image Creator is your AI-powered partner, ready to inspire your next creation. Give it a prompt, pick a style, and see where it takes you.


Background Removal
This powerful editing tool uses AI to help you isolate a subject and remove the background with just one click.



Operating System Requirement
Please update your Windows OS to Windows 11 23H2 or later version.


Download Microsoft Paint
Please visit Microsoft Store to Download the tool.


Open Microsoft Paint
Please find and open Paint application in your device, or visit Microsoft Web for more details.


For more information about Microsoft Paint, please refer to below website:
New AI-powered tool Paint
AI-powered features in Windows 11
Microsoft Windows Support
Microsoft Windows Blogs

The above information comes from official Microsoft website. If you have any questions, please contact Microsoft for further information.