Will CPU lifespan or stability be affected under high temperature?

As long as the temperature is lower than the original standard (105 or 100 Celsius degrees) regulated by Intel, the CPU lifespan will not be affected. The CPU has its own protection system/mechanism. When the core temperature exceeds the set temperature, the power will be reduced to maintain a safe temperature. The temperature may vary, depending on the processor and BIOS settings.

The CPU has a Turbo Boost function, which will be adjusted according to the use situation. When the CPU starts the Turbo Boost function, the power and temperature will rise. This is normal.

Availability and frequency upside of Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 state depends upon a number of factors including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Type of workload
  • Number of active cores
  • Estimated current consumption
  • Estimated power consumption
  • Processor temperature

When the processor is operating below these limits and the user's workload demands additional performance, the processor frequency will dynamically increase until the upper limit of frequency is reached. Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 has multiple algorithms operating in parallel to manage current, power, and temperature to maximize frequency and energy efficiency. Note: Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 allows the processor to operate at a power level that is higher than its TDP configuration and data sheet specified power for short durations to maximize performance.

You can refer to the below link for more detailed information:

