One of the first Copilot+ computers on the market left me with a positive impression. This is mainly due to the Snapdragon X Elite processor, which even in its weakest configuration provides high measurable performance backed by high efficiency. Compared to ARM's previous attempts, this is a respectable rival that can boldly match processors from both Intel and AMD.
If you need a quiet work laptop with long endurance, decent performance and a powerful NPU for future AI use, I can definitely recommend this Vivobook S 15.
The VivoBook S15 Oled is the first Asus notebook to feature a Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite processor. It offers performance to rival its competitors, whether plugged in or not, and features a well-calibrated panel and latest-generation connectivity.
The VivoBook S15 Oled Snapdragon is a very good laptop, and while we weren't able to try out the ‘deluxe’ version, the one equipped with the X Plus already gets the job done. The 16:9 screen is very well calibrated and makes for very comfortable video viewing.
One of the first ultrabooks to feature Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite processor, the Asus Vivobook S15 embodies the ambition of a new computing era centred on AI. Its performance in this area is undeniable: the Hexagon NPU outperforms that of its competitors. The Vivobook S15's battery life, up to 14 hours in real-life conditions, is also a major asset, as are its elegant design, its high-quality OLED screen and its RGB keyboard.
The Vivobook S15 picks up where ASUS left off. The OLED screen is very well made... . The laptop is light and powerful enough to do what you need in the office, thanks to its Snapdragon X Plus chip. When it comes to connectivity, the Vivobook is very well equipped, with plenty of ports for everyday use.
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