[Gaming NB] How to launch Armoury Crate HDR (High Dynamic Range) function?

The function can only support GX701GXH& GX531GXH, and the condition as below.


1. Under charging mode (AC Mode), it requires to turn on Windows HD Color settings

*Trun On Windows HD Color

Step1 Please type and search [Display Settings]① in the Windows Search Box, and then click on[Open]


Step2 In Display Settings page at Windows HD Color item, click on "Play HDR games and apps"


2. Under battery mode (DC Mode), it requires to turn on Windows HD Color settings and selects Battery Options with "Optimize for image quality" at same time.

*Selecting Optimize for image quality

Step1 Please type and search [Windows HD Color settings]① in the Windows Search Box, and then click on[Open]


Step2  In Windows HD Color Settings page at Battery options item, select for "Optimize for image quality"