“Combine the PB279Q’s excellent image quality with a great menu system, a wide range of inputs and a mostly flexible stand, and you get a great monitor that’s well worth considering for it’s price.”
“Asus undoubtedly wins this test. Its menu system is
top-notch, with clear and concise labelling that means you’re
never far away from the setting you need.”
The two 27 inch models in this test are very interesting: clearly cheaper than the 32 inch competitors, but with outstanding image quality. ASUS convinces with more connections
“Serving up gorgeous 4K images, the ASUS PB279Q is perfect for colour-sensitive designers, photographers and gamers.”
“Serving up gorgeous 4K visuals, the ASUS PB279Q is perfect for colour-sensitive designers, photographers and gamers.”
“A well rounded, high performance monitor which will futureproof you for years.”
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