[Gaming NB] 軍用標準 (MIL-STD 810) - 介紹



華碩的電競筆記型電腦有通過哪些MIL-STD 810H 測試項目?  
華碩指定電競系列筆記型電腦(適用產品型號: ASUS TUF Gaming),出廠前皆經歷6大項測試項目包括:衝擊、震動、高&低溫度、高濕度及高海拔。 測試方法和程序請參考下表,測試項目與結果可能因產品而異。


Test Category

Test Method & Procedure

MIL-STD-810H Test Parameters

High Temperature Test

Method 501.7-Procedure I (A1)

Duration: 7 day exposure (7 X 24 hr. cycles) 

Temperature: 33°C~71°C

The unit is non-operational during the test.

Method 501.7-Procedure II (A1)

Duration: 3 day exposure (3 X 24 hr. cycles)

Temperature: 32~49°C cycling temperature exposure

Table 501.7-III-Procedure. High temperature cycles, climate category A1 Hot Dry

The unit is operational during the test.

Low Temperature Test

Method 502.7- Procedure I (C1)

Duration:7 day exposure (7 X 24 hr. cycles)

Temperature: -25~ -33°C

The unit is non-operational during the test.

Method 502.7- Procedure II (C1)

Duration: 3 day exposure (3 X 24 hr. cycles)

Temperature: -21~ - 32°C

Low temperature cycles,Table IX. Basic climatic_C1

The unit is operational during the test.

Humidity Aggravated Cycle Test

Method 507.6- Procedure II

Duration:10 Days

Temperature: 30°C and 60°C

Humidity: 95% RH, constant

The unit is operational during the test.

Vibration Test

Method 514.8- Procedure I           

Frequency 5-500Hz, Vertical rms = 1.08 g

Transverse rms = 0.21g, Longitudinal rms = 0.76g

Test Time: 60 minutes per axis

Method 514.8- Procedure I           

Frequency 5-500Hz, Vertical rms = 2.24 g

Transverse rms = 1.45g, Longitudinal rms = 1.32g

Test Time: 40 minutes per axis

Shock Test

Method 516.8- Procedure VI

Bench Handling

(Drop Height  : 100 mm)

The unit is operational during the test.

Altitude Test

Method 500.6-Procedure II

Test Pressure: 15,000ft

Temperature: 5°C and 40°C, both for 12 hours

The unit is operational during the test.


*測試標準包含軍規等級測試標準和華碩品質測試,並因設備而異。 MIL-STD-810 測試僅針對選定的華碩產品進行。 請注意,MIL-STD-810 測試有助於確保華碩產品的品質,但並不表示特別適合軍事用途。該測試在實驗室條件下進行。任何試圖複製這些測試條件所造成的損壞都將被視為意外,並且不在標準華碩保修範圍內。額外的保障需求請了解ASUS Premium Care 服務 。