AMD B550 (Ryzen AM4) micro ATX 主機板具備雙 M.2、Advanced AI PC ready、PCIe 4.0、Intel® WiFi 6、1 Gb 乙太網路、HDMI/D-Sub/DVI、SATA 6 Gbps、USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A 及 Aura Sync RGB 接頭支援
  • AMD AM4 插槽:支援第 3 代 AMD Ryzen™ 處理器
  • 全方位散熱:VRM 散熱器、PCH 散熱器及 Fan Xpert 2+
  • 超快連線:雙 M.2、PCIe 4.0、Intel® WiFi 6、1 Gb 乙太網路、USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A
  • Aura Sync RGB:內建可定址 Gen 2 接頭適用於 RGB LED 燈條,並可輕易與相容於 Aura Sync 的硬體進行同步
Ready For Advanced AI PC
TUF H370 Plus Gaming TUF H370 Plus Gaming
  • PS/2

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1

  • DVI-D

  • D-Sub

  • HDMI

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2

  • Intel® Wi-Fi 6

  • Realtek LAN

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1

  • 3 x 音訊插孔

  • PCIe 4.0 x16
    ASUS SafeSlot Core

  • 音訊功能
    ● LED 燈效設計
    ● 音訊遮蔽
    ● 優質日本
    ● 專用音訊
       PCB 層

  • 可定址 Gen 2 接頭


  • 支援 DDR4

  • AMD AM4 插槽

  • 2 x 正面 USB 3.2 Gen 1

  • 支援 64Gb/s M.2
    PCIe 4.0 x4 與 SATA 模式

  • AMD B550 晶片組

  • 支援 32Gb/s M.2
    PCIe 3.0 x4 與 SATA 模式

  • 4 x SATA 6Gb/s

  • 4 x 正面 USB 2.0

  • 2 x AURA RGB 接頭

華碩 Prime 系列經過專業設計,可完全發揮第 3 代 AMD Ryzen 平台的潛能。Prime B550 系列主機板具備強大的供電設計、全面的散熱解決方案和智慧調校選項,以直覺式的軟體和韌體功能,為日常使用者和 DIY 電腦組裝玩家提供各種效能調整選項。

ASUS Corporate Stable Model

ASUS Corporate Stable Model (CSM) 是為了提供穩定可靠的主機板而設計的商業計劃。提供長達 36 個月的產品生命週期支援,並在產品使用壽命結束前 6 個月通知客戶,讓您的組織有足夠的時間做好產品轉移的準備。購買 ASUS CSM 主機板即隨附伺服器級 IT 管理軟體 ASUS Control Center Express。

進一步了解 ASUS Corporate Stable Model >

* 消費性晶片組 (例如 Q370、H370、B360、H270、B250) 的支援期間設定為 15 個月。計劃的適用情況依據地區而有不同。欲瞭解詳細資訊,請聯絡當地的業務代表。

ASUS Control Center Express

ASUS Control Center Express 是整合式 IT 監控與管理軟體,可透過全方位的控制與易用的功能來加快部署速度、簡化 IT 作業,並提升生產力。ASUS Control Center Express 相容於 100 種以上的 ASUS 主機板,提供符合您商業需求的高品質、TCO 最佳化解決方案。

進一步了解 ASUS Control Center Express >

最佳化 IT 端點管理

其設計可協助 IT 人員監控公司網路中的裝置,並有助於對多個據點進行遠端庫存檢查。

自動化 IT 維護

可讓 IT 人員排程自動更新,在離峰時段將特定裝置或所有裝置更新至最新的 BIOS、軟體及公用程式,以提升系統穩定性與 IT 運作彈性


可針對個別裝置建立群組規則,安全地管理端點組態、可攜式儲存裝置存取及 PC 軟體應用程式


全方位的控制構成 ASUS Prime 系列的基礎。Prime B550 主機板提供了彈性的工具來調整系統的各個方面,讓您能夠調整效能設定,使其完全配合您的工作方式,充分提高生產力。


Energy Processing Unit (EPU) 將省電功能涵蓋全系統。EPU 可自動最佳化功耗並透過「離開模式」大幅節省能源,


Fan Xpert 2+ 軟體提供系統風扇的全面控制。自動調校模式只需輕鬆一按就能智慧設定所有參數。另外還有極致靜音模式,能將機殼風扇降到預設最低轉速以下,讓系統在執行輕量作業時安靜無聲。風扇亦可透過 UEFI BIOS 進行控制。


Digi+ 電壓調節模組 (VRM) 可以即時控制壓降、自動切換頻率和能源效率設定。它也可讓您微調 CPU,實現最高的穩定性和效能。



著名的 ASUS UEFI BIOS 提供您設定、調整及調校系統時所需要的所有工具。它為電腦 DIY 組裝新手提供聰明簡化的選項,同時為經驗豐富的使用者提供完整的功能。


以 UEFI 提供的直覺式進階模式可讓您完全控制。內建的搜尋功能讓尋找選項變得容易,各種進階功能讓您可以進行智慧的細微調整,依照您想要的方式強化效能。


ASUS 使用者設定檔
可在不同的 BIOS 版本之間移植組態設定,或與朋友分享。


EZ 模式顯示重要的設定和統計資訊,也提供嚮導精靈、拖放功能以及一鍵式重要設定應用程式,全都可幫助您的裝置立即啟動執行。


一鍵強化 DRAM 效能。

Aura 開啟/關閉模式 (隱形)
輕鬆啟用或停用 Aura RGB 燈光效果或所有內建的 LED,提供低調的美感。



Prime B550 系列設計具備多個內建散熱器和各種混合風扇接頭,以讓您的設備在繁重的工作負載下維持涼爽和穩定。

VRM 散熱器和散熱墊

VRM 散熱片及下方的散熱墊可改善 MOSFET 和電感的熱傳遞,提供更好的散熱效能。

VRM 散熱器和散熱墊

兩個大型 VRM 散熱片及下方的散熱墊可改善 MOSFET 和電感的熱傳遞,提供更好的散熱效能。附加的風扇固定座可提供其他散熱選項。

Stack Cool 3+

2 盎司銅層將熱量從關鍵組件帶走,最多可將溫度降低 20°C。



Prime B550 系列配備全面的風扇控制,可透過 Fan Xpert 2+ 軟體或 UEFI BIOS 進行配置。

  • 多重溫度來源
  • 智慧防護
  • 4 針腳 PWM/DC 風扇
  • 每個接頭皆可動態參照三個熱感測器。Fan Xpert 2+ 可讓您映射支援的華碩顯示卡的溫度,以最佳化 GPU 與 CPU 密集運算任務的散熱效果。

  • 專用積體電路可保護每個風扇插座,防止過熱和過電流。

  • 所有內建機殼風扇接頭皆支援 PWM 和 DC 模式。



Prime B550 主機板提供了提高日常工作效率的所有基礎,您的系統將具備穩定的供電、直覺式的散熱和彈性的傳輸選項,隨時準備行動。

ProCool 連接器

專有接頭透過 8+4 pin 連接器連接至 PSU,此連接器可將 12 伏特電源直接供應至處理器。各個接頭採用實心腳位,相較於採用空心腳位的傳統接頭,可處理更多的電流。

10+1 DrMOS 功率級

VRM 具備 10+1 DrMOS 功率級,可提供最新 Intel 處理器所需要的功率和效率。



主機板走線路由的修訂為最新的 Intel 處理器提供對記憶體頻寬的無限制存取。ASUS OptiMem II 技術可精確映射不同 PCB 層的記憶體訊號路徑,以減少穿孔的數量並增加屏蔽區域,藉此大幅降低串擾。

頂層 – 接地環可避免側向干擾

ASUS OptiMem II 優勢:

  • 提升記憶體穩定性與相容性
  • 同電壓下擁有較低的記憶體延遲
  • 提升記憶體頻率極限

採用 OptiMem II 技術的主機板已通過 Synopsys HSPICE 模擬軟體測試


PCIe 4.0 M.2
(最高 64 Gbps)

以內建 M.2 享受高速傳輸

PCIe 4.0 M.2 插槽最高支援 22110 並提供 NVMe SSD RAID 支援,以提供令人難以置信的效能提升。以最高 PCIe 4.0 儲存裝置建立 RAID 組態,享受第 3 代 AMD Ryzen 平台最快的資料傳輸速度。


Intel® WiFi 6 AX200

Intel® WiFi 6 AX200 模組相容於 802.11ax 標準,並將理論峰值頻寬提高到驚人的 2.4 Gbps。重度使用者可能更為重視的是,這項技術已經最佳化,可以在擁擠的網路中以更高的競爭流量進行更高效率的運作。將您的主機板與 ASUS WiFi 6 路由器配對,即可充分體驗 WiFi 6 的連網潛力。

進一步了解 >
Intel® WiFi 6 AX200
2.4 Gbps
0.86 Gbps

* 實際速度可能不同,並且依據網路情況而有不同。


USB 3.2 Gen 2

多個 USB 連接埠支援高階設備和周邊裝置,包括兩個背板 USB Type-A 連接器,具備 USB 3.2 Gen 2 快速連線,可連接相容的裝置。



Prime B550 系列加入了細緻入微的細節,從提供原始音訊品質的獨家編解碼器到直覺式的 RGB 照明控制 (可讓您自訂系統以建立獨特的個人化外觀) 來改善各種體驗。




DRAM 過電流保護


內建可復式保險絲可防止過電流和短路損壞。此設計通過 I/O 連接埠並延伸至 DRAM,以維護系統和連接裝置的使用壽命。

不鏽鋼 I/O 背板

3 倍抗腐蝕能力,提升耐用度

抗腐蝕不鏽鋼 I/O 背板以氧化鉻黏合,使用壽命比一般面板長三倍。


提高傳輸量,2.5 倍突波耐受力

ASUS LANGuard 為硬體層級的網路防護,結合進階訊號耦合技術與優質的抗 EMI 表面黏著電容,可提高傳輸量並確保更可靠的連線功能。




Prime B550 系列提供與數千個組件的優異相容性,我們的合格供應商列表 (QVL) 可識別記憶體相容性,為您帶來更多選擇以提供輕鬆組裝 PC 的體驗。



每片華碩主機板皆通過 8,000 多小時的嚴格測試,包括燒機、環境、相容性、軟體及安全測試,以確認其耐用性。華碩的可靠度超越業界標準,確保每一個零件在任何環境下都能正常運作。

長達 48 小時的劣化測試,確保可靠性。
測試 I/O 可靠性、延長使用壽命和抗鏽能力。
























Aura Sync


熱血玩家精心調教的系統也需要美學搭配。ASUS Aura 提供完整控制 RGB 燈光效果,連接到內建 RGB 插座的燈條能發揮多種預設功能。能與不斷推陳出新的 Aura 硬體設備進行同步。

進一步了解 >
  • 靜態 靜態
  • 脈動 脈動
  • 閃爍 閃爍
  • 彩虹 彩虹
  • 色彩循環 色彩循環
  • 燦爛星空 燦爛星空
  • 音樂效果 音樂效果
  • CPU 溫度 智慧

可定址 Gen 2 RGB 接頭

可定址 Gen 2 RGB 接頭現在可偵測第二代可定址 RGB 上的 LED 數量,讓軟體可自動為特定裝置量身打造燈光效果。新型接頭也為現有 Aura RGB 裝置提供向下相容性。

Armoury Crate

Armoury Crate 是全新的軟體公用程式,可讓使用者集中控制支援的產品。Armoury Crate 可讓使用者透過單一易用的介面,輕鬆自訂您裝備中所有相容裝置的 RGB 燈光與效果。此軟體也能控制 ASUS 產品的設定,包括鍵盤與滑鼠偏好設定。Armoury Crate 甚至提供專屬的產品註冊與重點資訊,協助使用者與 ASUS 社群保持聯絡。

  • Aura Sync

  • 驅動程式與使用手冊下載

  • 帳戶管理

TUF H370 Plus Gaming TUF H370 Plus Gaming
  • PS/2

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1

  • DVI-D

  • D-Sub

  • HDMI

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2

  • Intel® Wi-Fi 6

  • Realtek LAN

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1

  • 3 x Audio jacks

  • PCIe 4.0 x16
    ASUS SafeSlot Core

  • Audio Features
    ● LED-illuminated design
    ● Audio Shielding
    ● Premium Japanese
    Audio Capacitors
    ● Dedicated Audio
    PCB Layers

  • Addressable Gen 2 header


  • DDR4 support

  • AMD AM4 socket for Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ 4000 G-Series/ 3000 Series Desktop Processors

  • 2 x Front USB 3.2 Gen 1

  • 64Gb/s M.2 Support
    PCIe 4.0 x4 & SATA mode

  • AMD B550 Chipset

  • 32Gb/s M.2 Support
    PCIe 3.0 x4 & SATA mode

  • 4 x SATA 6Gb/s

  • 4 x Front USB 2.0

  • 2 x AURA RGB headers

ASUS Prime series is expertly engineered to unleash the full potential of 3rd Generation AMD Ryzen platform. Boasting a robust power design, comprehensive cooling solutions and intelligent tuning options, Prime B550 series motherboards provide daily users and DIY PC builders a range of performance tuning options via intuitive software and firmware features.

ASUS Corporate Stable Model

ASUS Corporate Stable Model (CSM) is a commercial program designed to provide stable and reliable motherboards. Offering up to 36-month product lifecycle support and 6-month end-of-life notice to allow sufficient lead times for your organization to get ready for product transitions. Each purchase of an ASUS CSM motherboard comes with ASUS Control Center Express - server-grade IT management software.

Learn more about ASUS Corporate Stable Model >

* Lifecycle support for consumer chipsets (eg. Q370, H370, B360,H270,B250) is set at 15 months. Program offerings may vary by region. Please consult your local sales representative for more information.

ASUS Control Center Express

ASUS Control Center Express is an integrated IT monitoring and management software designed to deploy faster, simplify IT operations and improve productivity with comprehensive control and user-friendly functions. ASUS Control Center Express is compatible with over 100 ASUS motherboards to provide a high-quality, TCO-optimized solution for your business needs.

Learn more about ASUS Control Center Express >

Optimize IT endpoint management

Designed to assist IT staff in monitoring and controlling devices within their corporate networks, and facilitate inventory checking in multiple locations remotely

Automate IT maintenance

Allows IT staff to schedule automatic updates of the latest BIOS, software and utilities to specific or all devices at off-peak times, enhancing system stability and IT operational flexibility

Securely manage all of endpoints

Securely manage endpoint configuration, portable storage access and PC software applications by enabling them to create grouping rules on individual devices

Tune It Your Way

Comprehensive controls form the foundation of the ASUS Prime series. The Prime B550 motherboard packs flexible tools to tune every aspect of your system, enabling you to tweak performance settings to perfectly match the way you work – maximizing your productivity.

All-around Energy Efficiency

With the Energy Processing Unit (EPU), you'll enjoy system-wide power savings. The EPU automatically optimizes power consumption and maximizes savings with Away mode.

Flexible Cooling Controls

Fan Xpert 2+ software provides comprehensive control over system fans. Auto-Tuning mode intelligently configures all parameters with a single click. There's also an Extreme Quiet mode that reduces chassis fan speeds to below the default minimum to keep your system whisper-quiet when performing light tasks. Fans can also be controlled via the UEFI BIOS.

Precise Digital Power Control

The Digi+ voltage-regulator module (VRM) delivers real-time control over voltage droop, automatically switching frequency and power-efficiency settings. It also allows you to fine-tune your CPU for ultimate stability and performance.

Back to Tune It Your Way


The renowned ASUS UEFI BIOS provides everything you need to configure, tweak and tune your system. It offers intelligently simplified options for PC DIY beginners, as well as comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.

Advanced Tuning for Serious Tweakers

An intuitive Advanced mode offered via the UEFI lets you take complete control. A built-in search feature makes it easy to find options, and various Advanced functions let you intelligently make nuanced adjustments so you can dial in performance just the way you want.

Search Function
Quickly and easily find the option or setting you need.

ASUS User Profile
Port configuration settings between different BIOS versions or share them with friends.

Quick and Simple Setup

EZ mode displays vital settings and stats and also offers guided wizards, drag-and-drop functionality, and one-click application of important settings — all to help you get your rig up and running in no time.

Intuitive Graphical Fan Control
Fine-tune individual fan settings simply by dragging a curve with the mouse.

Improve DRAM performance with one click.

Aura On/Off mode (Stealth)
Easily enable or disable Aura RGB lighting or every onboard LED, for a subdued aesthetic touch.

Back to Tune It Your Way

Cool to the Core

Prime B550 series is engineered with multiple onboard heatsinks and an array of hybrid fan headers to ensure your rig stays cool and stable under intense workloads.

VRM Heatsink and Thermal Pads

A VRM heatsink with underneath thermal pad improves heat transfer from the MOSFETs and chokes for better cooling performance.

VRM Heatsink and Thermal Pads

Two massive VRM heatsinks with underneath thermal pads improve heat transfer from the MOSFETs and chokes for better cooling performance. A bundled fan holder provides additional cooling options.

Stack Cool 3+

2oz-copper layers shift heat away from critical components, reducing the temperature by up to 20°C.

Back to Cool to the Core

Cooler by Design

Prime B550 series features comprehensive cooling controls that are configurable via Fan Xpert 2+ software or via the UEFI BIOS.

  • Multiple Temperature Sources
  • Smart Protection
  • 4-Pin PWM/DC Fan
  • Each header can dynamically reference three thermal sensors. Fan Xpert 2+ allows you to map the temperature of supported ASUS graphics cards to optimize cooling for GPU- and CPU-intensive tasks.

  • A dedicated integrated circuit protects each fan header from overheating and overcurrent.

  • Each onboard chassis fan header supports PWM and DC mode.

Back to Cool to the Core

Build on a Solid Foundation

Prime B550 motherboard provides all the fundamentals to boost daily productivity, so your system will be ready for action with stable power, intuitive cooling and flexible transfer options.

ProCool Connectors

Proprietary connectors augment the motherboard's link to the PSU with 8+4 pin connectors that pass 12 volts of power directly to the processors. The jacks feature solid pins that can handle more current than hollow-pin connectors.

10+1 DrMOS Power Stages

A VRM with 10+1 DrMOS Power Stages delivers the power and efficiency that the latest Intel processors demand.

Back to Build on a Solid Foundation


Revisions to the motherboard's trace routing provide the latest Intel processors with unrestricted access to memory bandwidth. ASUS OptiMem II technology carefully maps memory signal pathways across different PCB layers to reduce vias and adds shielding zones that significantly reduce crosstalk.

Top layer – ground ring to prevent lateral interference

ASUS OptiMem II benefits:

  • Improved memory stability and compatibility
  • Allows lower memory latencies at equivalent voltages
  • Improved memory frequency margin

Motherboards with OptiMem II technology were tested with Synopsys HSPICE simulation software

Back to Build on a Solid Foundation

PCIe 4.0 M.2
(up to 64 Gbps)

Achieve speed with onboard M.2

PCIe 4.0 M.2 Slot supports up to 22110 and provide NVMe SSD RAID support for an incredible performance boost. Create a RAID configuration with up to PCIe 4.0 storage device to enjoy the fastest data-transfer speeds on the 3rd Generation AMD Ryzen platform.

Back to Build on a Solid Foundation

Intel® WiFi 6 AX200

The Intel® WiFi 6 AX200 module is compatible with the 802.11ax standard and pushes theoretical peak bandwidth up to an incredible 2.4 Gbps. Perhaps more importantly for power users, it's optimized for more efficient operation on crowded networks with a lot of competing traffic. Pair your motherboard with ASUS WiFi 6 routers to fully experience the networking potential of WiFi 6.

Learn more >
Intel® WiFi 6 AX200
2.4 Gbps
Other wireless adapters
0.86 Gbps

* Actual speed varies, and depends on networking conditions.

Back to Get the Most out of All Your Cores

USB 3.2 Gen 2

Numerous USB ports support high-end rigs loaded with peripherals, including two rear-panel USB Type-A connectors with fast USB 3.2 Gen 2 connectivity for compatible cases.

Back to Build on a Solid Foundation

Little Things Make a Big Difference

Prime B550 series adds the nuanced details that improve every experience, from exclusive codecs that provide pristine audio quality to intuitive RGB lighting controls that let you customize your system to create a uniquely personal look.

Overvoltage Protection

World-class circuit-protecting power design

An exclusive circuit design with built-in voltage regulators to protect your motherboard from damage caused by unexpected high-level voltages from unstable or inferior power supplies.

DRAM Overcurrent Protection

Short-circuit damage prevention

Onboard resettable fuses prevent overcurrent and short-circuit damage. This extends beyond I/O ports to DRAM to safeguard the lifespan of your system and connected devices.

Stainless-Steel Back I/O

3X corrosion-resistance for greater durability

Corrosion-resistant stainless-steel back I/O panels bonded with chromium oxide have a lifespan that's three times longer than ordinary panels.


Pumped-up throughput 2.5X higher surge tolerance

ASUS LANGuard is a hardware-level network protection feature that integrates advanced signal-coupling technology and premium anti-EMI surface-mounted capacitors to improve throughput and ensure a more reliable connection.

Learn more


Compatible devices and components

The Prime B550 series provides superior compatibility with thousands of components and our Qualified Vendor List (QVL) identifies memory compatibility, giving you more choices for worry-free PC-building experiences.


Validation hours

Every ASUS motherboard is subjected to more than 8,000 hours of stringent tests, including burn-in, environmental, compatibility, software and safety tests to confirm their durability. ASUS reliability surpasses industry standards, ensuring that every component is designed to function flawlessly in any environment.

Temperature and humidity tests
Ensures components withstand extreme conditions.
Thermal measurement tests
Ensures that the system remains cool and stable under the heaviest loads.
Insertion tests
Every port and connector is put through repeated installation cycles.
Aging tests
Up to 48-hour aging test ensures reliability.
Power-consumption tests
Checked for world-class energy efficiency.
Temperature and DC margin tests
Ensures that the motherboard is capable of coping with voltages fluctuations caused by varying temperatures.
Thermal-shock tests
Ensures ability to survive temperature changes during transportation.
Non-operation shock tests
Built to withstand jolts that may occur during shipping.
Burn-in tests
Every component is checked to ensure flawless operation.
Installation tests
Connector placement is double-checked to ensure hassle-free installation.
Drop tests
Drop tests from various heights ensure durability.
Salt and spray tests
Tested for I/O reliability, prolonged lifespan and rust-resistance.

Outstanding Audio

Combined onboard features deliver elevated audio

Intelligent design and premium hardware create audio quality unlike anything you've ever experienced.

Audio Shielding

Separates analog/digital signal domains, significantly reducing multi-lateral interference.

Separate Layer for Left and Right Tracks

Ensures minimal crosstalk between audio paths.

Premium Japanese Capacitors

Premium parts provide an immersive sound signature, with exceptional fidelity.

Flawless Audio that Immerses You in the Game

Power Pre-Regulator

Reduces power-input noise to ensure consistent performance.

Audio Shielding

Separates analog/digital signal domains, significantly reducing multi-lateral interference.

Separate Layer for Left and Right Tracks

Ensures minimal crosstalk between audio paths.

Integrated Amplifier

Capable of driving high-impedance headphones, without rolling-off high or low frequencies.

De-Pop Circuit

Reduces start-up popping noise to all audio outputs.

Premium Japanese Capacitors

Premium parts provide an immersive sound signature, with exceptional fidelity.

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Aura Sync

Outshine the Competition

A well-tuned enthusiast system deserves a matching aesthetic. ASUS Aura offers full RGB lighting control with a variety of functional presets for RGB LED strips connected to the onboard RGB headers. And it can all be synced with an ever-growing portfolio of Aura-capable hardware.

Learn more >
  • Static Static
  • Breathing Breathing
  • Strobing Strobing
  • Rainbow Rainbow
  • Color cycle Color Cycle
  • Starry night Starry Night
  • Music effect Music Effect
  • CPU temperature Smart

Addressable Gen 2 RGB Header

The addressable Gen 2 RGB header is now capable of detecting the number of LEDs on second-gen addressable RGB devices, allowing the software to automatically tailor lighting effects to specific devices. The new header also offers backward-compatibility with existing Aura RGB gear.

Armoury Crate

Armoury Crate is a new software utility designed to give you centralized control of supported products. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate allows you to easily customize RGB lighting and effects for every compatible device in your arsenal. The software also provides control of settings for ASUS products, including keyboard and mouse preferences. Armoury Crate even features dedicated product registration and highlight to help you stay in touch with the ASUS community.

  • Aura Sync

  • Driver & Manual Download

  • Account Management

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