Highlight Taiwan Top Gastroenterologist

Overlay Director of Taiwan Leading Gastroenterology Clinic

Dr. Lee, Yi-Lin


Why Endoscopy Needs AI Support

AI computer-aided software can significantly improve ADR (adenoma detection rate) and PDR (polyp detection rate) during endoscopy.

Endoscopy AI Support Information
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Processed - Man holding beer

How Can EndoAim Help You

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Real-time Polyp Detection

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EndoAim processes 60 frames of images per second and accurately detects all kinds of polyps, even those that can be easily overlooked, and helps physicians reduce polyp miss rate!

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Instant Polyp Classification

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EndoAim classifies polyps into adenoma/ non-adenoma, assisting physicians to make accurate diagnoses and avoid unnecessary biopsies

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EndoAim Scale shows the maximum diameter of the polyp in real-time, assisting physicians to make polyp resection and surveillance interval decision with size reference.

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*EndoAim Scale can only be added on existing EndoAim functions

Why ASUS EndoAim

Why ASUS EndoAim
Take Up No Space

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Easily Connect With Endoscope

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Implementing Hospitals

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