世界三大設計獎之一的「德國紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award)」公佈2022年最新得獎名單,華碩憑藉出色的產品設計,一舉奪下39項產品設計獎,獲獎數再創新高。這些殊榮印證華碩追尋無與倫比之品牌精神,及以用戶為中心的設計思維備受國際肯定。
世界三大設計獎之一的「德國紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award)」公佈2022年最新得獎名單,華碩憑藉出色的產品設計,一舉奪下39項產品設計獎,獲獎數再創新高。這些殊榮印證華碩追尋無與倫比之品牌精神,及以用戶為中心的設計思維備受國際肯定。
ExpertBook B5 comes with 1920x1080 resolution OLED display, a very modern screen display in IT industry where you normally find it in smartphone from mid-high segment.
ASUS ExpertBook B5 Flip OLED is for those who look for one portable device for various kind of use from notebook for work and tablet for presenting. Plus it is OLED screen display with over 14 hours battery life with the Intel processor.
ExpertBook B5 Flip is designed to use in business world which I totally agreed. It does come with all necessary functions like security, innovation, and the most important thing for me is that it is very light at 1.3 KG. I can carry around working all day long and don’t even need the adapter
ASUS ExpertBook B5 Flip OLED (B5302F) is a latest business notebook, comes with OLED touchscreen display offering vivid color and flip 360 degree, support stylus pen, light and good for mobility.