Asus' TUF Gaming A14 feels premium, looks grown-up, and delivers great battery life for non-gaming tasks.
The TUF Gaming A14 FA401 is a device that seeks the perfect balance between power, durability and portability and, from our point of view, it fulfills that task perfectly as it is a compact and lightweight device that has super powerful hardware under its small appearance and a cooling solution capable of keeping everything under control in such a narrow space
The TUF Gaming A14 FA401 is a device that seeks the perfect balance between power, durability and portability and, from our point of view, it fulfills that task perfectly as it is a compact and lightweight device that has super powerful hardware under its small appearance and a cooling solution capable of keeping everything under control in such a narrow space
The TUF Gaming A14 FA401 is a device that seeks the perfect balance between power, durability and portability and, from our point of view, it fulfills that task perfectly as it is a compact and lightweight device that has super powerful hardware under its small appearance and a cooling solution capable of keeping everything under control in such a narrow space
The TUF Gaming A14 FA401 is a device that seeks the perfect balance between power, durability and portability and, from our point of view, it fulfills that task perfectly as it is a compact and lightweight device that has super powerful hardware under its small appearance and a cooling solution capable of keeping everything under control in such a narrow space
The TUF Gaming A14 FA401 is a device that seeks the perfect balance between power, durability and portability and, from our point of view, it fulfills that task perfectly as it is a compact and lightweight device that has super powerful hardware under its small appearance and a cooling solution capable of keeping everything under control in such a narrow space
整體來說,TUF Gaming A14 電競筆電的定位非常明確,輕薄機身、便攜設計、以及14吋同級之下很好的效能輸出。並且整體的開模、規格、用料也都有誠意,包括手感算好的鍵盤、滑順度不錯的玻璃觸控板,HDMI 2.1的接孔、全白的機身設計、還有亮度很夠,而且很均勻的白色鍵盤背光,內部甚至給了兩條的m.2 SSD插槽,都是這次開模有誠意的地方,基礎體驗有顧好。同時,GeForce RTX 4060搭配上Ryzen AI 9 HX 370這套組合在效能表現上本來就不用多說,而且還受益於CPU和GPU的能耗表現都很好,所以在日常使用之下,TUF Gaming A14的風扇基本上都能維持低速甚至完全停轉,使用體驗還是比較好的,並且在需要效能的時候,也可以幾乎發揮GeForce RTX 4060所有效能潛力,不過在風扇模式中,極限模式下的風扇噪音較大,一般建議選到效能模式就好。
整體來說,TUF Gaming A14 電競筆電的定位非常明確,輕薄機身、便攜設計、以及14吋同級之下很好的效能輸出。並且整體的開模、規格、用料也都有誠意,包括手感算好的鍵盤、滑順度不錯的玻璃觸控板,HDMI 2.1的接孔、全白的機身設計、還有亮度很夠,而且很均勻的白色鍵盤背光,內部甚至給了兩條的m.2 SSD插槽,都是這次開模有誠意的地方,基礎體驗有顧好。同時,GeForce RTX 4060搭配上Ryzen AI 9 HX 370這套組合在效能表現上本來就不用多說,而且還受益於CPU和GPU的能耗表現都很好,所以在日常使用之下,TUF Gaming A14的風扇基本上都能維持低速甚至完全停轉,使用體驗還是比較好的,並且在需要效能的時候,也可以幾乎發揮GeForce RTX 4060所有效能潛力,不過在風扇模式中,極限模式下的風扇噪音較大,一般建議選到效能模式就好。
整體來說,TUF Gaming A14 電競筆電的定位非常明確,輕薄機身、便攜設計、以及14吋同級之下很好的效能輸出。並且整體的開模、規格、用料也都有誠意,包括手感算好的鍵盤、滑順度不錯的玻璃觸控板,HDMI 2.1的接孔、全白的機身設計、還有亮度很夠,而且很均勻的白色鍵盤背光,內部甚至給了兩條的m.2 SSD插槽,都是這次開模有誠意的地方,基礎體驗有顧好。同時,GeForce RTX 4060搭配上Ryzen AI 9 HX 370這套組合在效能表現上本來就不用多說,而且還受益於CPU和GPU的能耗表現都很好,所以在日常使用之下,TUF Gaming A14的風扇基本上都能維持低速甚至完全停轉,使用體驗還是比較好的,並且在需要效能的時候,也可以幾乎發揮GeForce RTX 4060所有效能潛力,不過在風扇模式中,極限模式下的風扇噪音較大,一般建議選到效能模式就好。
ASUS TUF GAMING A14, The next-gen AI gaming notebook.
ASUS TUF Gaming A14, The highest-performance gaming notebook with the smallest size in the TUF Gaming series.
Review ASUS TUF Gaming A14 with CPU Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 + GPU RTX 4060