TUF Gaming H1 電競耳機具備 7.1 環繞音效與重低音、經 Discord 與 TeamSpeak 認證的麥克風、輕量可攜式設計,並相容於 PC、PlayStation® 5、任天堂 Switch™ 以及 XBOX™
  • ASUS Essence 驅動單體以及獨家氣密腔體技術,提供身歷其境的音效體驗
  • 搭載虛擬 7.1 環繞音效,可透過 Windows Sonic 與 Armoury Crate 調整
  • 經 Discord 與 TeamSpeak 認證的類比單指向麥克風,提供清晰的遊戲內通訊品質
  • 超輕量 287 公克與懸掛式頭帶,可確保長時間佩戴的舒適性
  • 跨平台相容於 PC、Mac、平板電腦、智慧型手機PlayStation® 5、任天堂 Switch™ 以及 XBOX™
TUF Gaming H1 電競耳機
The left side of TUF Gaming H1 headset.


TUF Gaming H1 具備 40mm ASUS Essence 驅動單體、獨家氣密腔體、虛擬 7.1 環繞音效,提供渾厚低音以及沈浸式音效。麥克風經 Discord 與 TeamSpeak 認證,能傳遞清晰的語音通訊品質,同時超輕量的懸掛式頭帶確保配戴舒適性。

The left side of TUF Gaming H1 headset.
The left side of TUF Gaming H1 headset.
The left side of TUF Gaming H1 headset.
The left side of TUF Gaming H1 headset.
The left side of TUF Gaming H1 headset.
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.
40mm ASUS Essence 驅動單體提供渾厚低音
The ear cup divided into four elements highlights the position of airtight chambers and 40mm ASUS essence drivers.


TUF Gaming H1 耳機具備 ASUS 電競耳機最具代表性的氣密腔體設計以及 40 mm ASUS Essence 驅動單體,以呈現更清晰的音訊與更渾厚的低音。

TUF Gaming H1 headset is floating above the soundwave in the background of gameplay scenario.
TUF Gaming H1 headset is floating above the soundwave in the background of gameplay scenario.

虛擬 7.1 環繞音效

虛擬 7.1 環繞音效技術* 提供更高水準的音訊精準度,在遊戲中為玩家帶來勝利優勢。

*可透過 Windows Sonic 軟體進行設定

The left side angle of TUF Gaming H1 headset highlights microphone with animation and Discord and TeamSpeak.
The left side angle of TUF Gaming H1 headset highlights microphone with animation and Discord and TeamSpeak. The left side angle of TUF Gaming H1 headset highlights microphone with animation and Discord and TeamSpeak.
The left side angle of TUF Gaming H1 headset highlights microphone with animation and Discord and TeamSpeak.
The left side angle of TUF Gaming H1 headset highlights microphone with animation and Discord and TeamSpeak.


單指向類比吊桿式麥克風經過特殊調校以提供清晰的語音通訊品質,並通過 Discord 與 TeamSpeak 認證。


The bottom side angle of TUF Gaming H1 headset features its lightweight design.


TUF Gaming H1 耳機超輕量僅 287 公克,可為長時間遊戲提供配戴舒適性。

The top angle of TUF Gaming H1 highlights its suspension headband.




TUF Gaming H1 Wireless features instant control and demonstrate the position of buttons, the top button is microphone on and off and the second one is volume control




TUF Gaming H1 Wireless features multi-compatibility with six icons of PC, Mac, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBOX, smartphone and tablet.

擁有 TUF Gaming H1,您就不需要為遊戲主機另外添購耳機,因為它提供真正的跨平台支援,包括 PC、Mac、PlayStation® 4 與 5、任天堂 Switch™、智慧型手機及平板電腦。

TUF Gaming H1 Wireless features multi-compatibility with six icons of PC, Mac, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBOX, smartphone and tablet.
TUF Gaming H1 Wireless features multi-compatibility with six icons of PC, Mac, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBOX, smartphone and tablet.

TUF 系列耳機

  TUF Gaming H1TUF Gaming H1 TUF Gaming H3TUF Gaming H3
連接科技 3.5mm 3.5mm
ASUS Essence 驅動單體 Yes
獨家氣密腔體設計 Yes Yes
虛擬 7.1 環繞音效 Yes
(Windows sonic)
(Windows sonic)
重量 287g 294g
頭帶 編織頭帶 / 懸掛式 不鏽鋼 / 可調式
眼鏡族舒適設計 - -
耳罩類型 100% 蛋白質皮革 100% 快速散熱記憶泡棉的蛋白質皮革
控制按鍵 音量調整
相容性 PC / Mac / 手機 / 平板 / PlayStation® 4 & 5 / 任天堂 Switch™ / XBOX™ One & Series X | S PC / Mac / 手機 / 平板 / PlayStation® 4 & 5 / 任天堂 Switch™ / XBOX™ One & Series X | S
顏色選擇 黑色 槍灰色 / 藍色 / 紅色 / 銀色

* USB-A dongle supports PC only

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