ROG Strix XG17AHPE 可攜式 USB Type-C 電競螢幕 – 17.3 吋Full HD (1920x1080), IPS, 240Hz (144Hz 以上), 3ms, Adaptive-Sync, 零眩光, USB-C , Micro-HDMI , 內建電池, 智慧保護殼, 護眼技術
- 17.3 吋 Full HD (1920x1080)可攜式 IPS 電競螢幕,具備 240 Hz 更新率、3 ms 反應時間及 Adaptive-Sync 流暢度、提供零破圖的遊戲體驗
- 內建高容量的7800 mAh 電池能以 240 Hz 提供長達 2 小時的外出使用時間,快速充電技術僅需 1 小時充電時間就能以 240 Hz 提供 120 分鐘的使用時間
- USB-C 與 micro-HDMI 連接埠提供多功能連線能力,例如智慧型手機、筆電、遊戲主機、攝影機、平板電腦等
- 薄型輕量設計提供舒適的可攜性,重量僅 1060 公克、厚度僅 1 公分
- 智慧保護殼可讓使用者針對工作或遊戲等各種使用情境,將顯示器調整至最佳觀看位置
Video review from the channel HDTanel Rating: XG17 9/10, MB16 8/10, ROG Strix Arion S500 10/10
Users can quickly, easily and precisely get the image they want on the PA248QV.
With its 240 Hz refresh rate and 3 ms response time, it can meet all your needs, especially gaming.
Video review from the channel TheTanelChannel Rating: XG17 9/10, MB16 8/10, ROG Strix Arion S500 10/10
Video review from the channel Darius
Video review from the ASUS ROG BALTICS channel
I love this little beast, I really want one, and I even used it with my camera as a second display while filming. I really want one!