The lowest price from 30 days before the promotion:
ROG Strix Scope 電競鍵盤
High quality mech keyboard for gamers!
Gold Award
In contrast to the ROG Strix Flare, the ROG Strix Scope can score with a base plate made of real aluminium, which not only benefits the look but also the feel. The keyboard also relies on a pleasingly minimalist design with a discreet RGB illumination.
Max Gold Award
4 stars and a half out of 5
With great aluminum finish and beautiful RGB effects, this ROG Strix Scope is very pleasing to the eye !
There's little wrong with the ROG Strix Scope really, it offers the quality you may expect from Cherry MX RED switches in a nice and compact design.
The ROG Strix Scope RX is an impressive game-changer for a gaming keyboard. Its engineering, technology, and performance combined with IP56 rating and RBG gas set the standard for a gaming keyboard. Also, it has all the features that FPS gamers look for.
The ROG Strix Scope RX is a game changer — ROG’s RX Optical Switches provide next-generation performance that is backed by a host of features such as IP56 rating, USB Pass-through and Aura Sync technology.
4.5 out of 5
Papan kekunci pula, ROG Strix Scope sangat sesuai untuk pengguna yang gemar bermain permainan genre penembak pertama (FPS) atau aksi pantas memandangkan rekaan kekunci yang lebih lebar dan kesilapan untuk menekan kekunci dapat dikurangkan.
"A keyboard to consider if you seek quality and customization"
It is expected on a keyboard of these characteristics, complete configuration and total customization
9 out of 10
Fungsi tersebut merangkap di tombol F5 hingga F11. Medcom.id tidak menemukan kekurangan lainnya. Fungsi untuk menguncil tombol Windows sudah sangat tepat. Kemudian fitur Macro fly-button juga sangat memudahkan proses untuk merekam fungsi Macro dan mengakses profile Macro yang disimpan.
HITPOINT Sticker of Quality - Gold
To sum up, this keyboard certainly can change the look of the mechanical kind of keyboards, it's comfortable, it's definitely not just for hardcore FPS gaming players (I played ARK: Survival on it to go upstream). It has readable wide keys and the AURA it emits is more than epic.
“There’s a lot to like about the Asus ROG Strix Scope’s simplicity. The lack of additional buttons and overly-fancy design means you get a compact keyboard that nails the basics. It feels comfortable to use, is responsive when playing even the most frantic games, and there’s a few nice gaming-centric features as well.Just because the design is understated, it doesn’t mean the keyboard looks boring. Plus, if you have other Asus Aura-compatible glowing peripherals, the Asus ROG Strix Scope will fit right in.However, the Asus ROG Strix Scope does lack a few features that similarly priced keyboards feature, and the design pales in comparison with the Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo.Still, if you’re invested in the Asus ROG peripheral ecosystem, or are just looking for a no-nonsense mechanical gaming keyboard that has a bit of design flair, then the Asus ROG Strix Scope is an excellent choice.”
We recommend it to those looking for a keyboard dedicated to shooters, to those who do not need to move the peripheral often given its size and weight which, although not excessive, do not make it the maximum portability. It is certainly an important investment, but if you are an FPS lover, this is the keyboard for you.
ASUS ROG Strix Scope is an excellent keyboard, which offers at a fair price excellent materials and build quality, high customization possibilities, and specific functions that are really comfortable in the game
ROG Strix Scope 強化您的戰場實力!這款機械式電競鍵盤擁有 Xccurate 設計—加寬版 Ctrl 鍵,為 FPS 遊戲提供精準度。您可享受色彩豐富的 RGB Aura Sync 背光,按下 Quick-Toggle 快捷鍵可立即開始工作或遊戲,想瞬間隱藏畫面時只要按下隱形鍵即可。此款鍵盤甚至採用鋁製面板,可因應日常的使用,並低調嶄露風格。ROG Strix Scope 能賦予您取得勝利的力量!
世界一流的 ROG 研發團隊仔細研究 FPS 遊戲玩家的遊戲風格,根據研究結果打造出較傳統 Ctrl 按鍵大兩倍以上的按鍵。Xccurate 設計從此誕生:超寬 Ctrl 鍵可降低按錯鍵的機率,達到更高的精準度。此款鍵盤隨附四個銀色鍵帽,使用者可輕易識別 WASD 按鍵群,甚至附帶鍵帽拔鍵工具以輕鬆進行自訂。
Quick-Toggle 快捷鍵可切換 ROG Strix Scope 以適用於遊戲或日常工作,它可將最上層按鍵切換為媒體控制鍵或功能 (Fn) 鍵,因此可輕鬆切換工作或遊戲模式。此款鍵盤採用鋁製面板以承受日常的使用,同時具有吸睛的斜線條紋,低調嶄露獨特風格。
按下 ROG Strix Scope 的隱形鍵可立即隱藏所有應用程式並切換為靜音,在關鍵時刻立即確保個人的隱私。印有披著斗篷的人物的代表性圖案,當您再次按下隱形鍵即可將所有視窗恢復。
ROG Strix Scope 採用 Cherry MX RGB 鍵軸,提供遊戲玩家與愛好者所偏好的機械式精準觸鍵回饋。此為德國製造的頂級鍵軸,以每次觸鍵皆可獲得最佳的驅動以及回饋聞名。
驅動力/ 驅動阻力:50g / 60g
驅動距離:2.2mm 觸發、4mm 觸底
反應最快速的Cherry MX (較其他鍵軸提升40%),無段落感、具輕巧的觸發性
驅動力/ 驅動阻力:45g / NA
驅動距離:1.2mm 觸發、3.4mm 觸底
遊戲玩家喜歡反應靈敏的機械式觸鍵,因此 Cherry MX 鍵軸顯然是 ROG Strix Scope 的理想選擇。其專注細節所帶來的創新功能—例如Xccurate 設計加大版 Ctrl 鍵,特別重視 FPS 遊戲玩家的需求,讓我們非常期待 ROG Strix Scope 的到來!
- Cherry 公司 MX 技術行銷部門主管 Michael Schmid
充滿動感的按鍵背光從上到下、從左到右照亮了 Strix Scope。此款鍵盤採用 Aura Sync 技術,使用者可控制完整的色譜及各種動態燈光效果,以創造獨一無二的專屬鍵盤。燈光效果可輕鬆與廣大 Aura 生態系統的產品進行同步,打造光彩奪目的遊戲氛圍。
ROG Armoury II軟體經過強化且以驅動程式為基礎,可提供更多的控制功能,且使用較少的系統資源。直覺的使用者介面讓您輕鬆調校ROG Strix Scope 以匹配您正在進行的遊戲,包括建立設定檔、自訂色彩與燈光效果、編程按鍵、錄製巨集等。您甚至可在遊戲進行時,追蹤硬體狀態以進行資料分析。
最多可儲存6個使用者設定檔(包含1個預設+ 5個自訂檔),並可隨時隨地使用儲存的設定檔。
ROG Strix Scope RX RGB 光學機械鍵盤,搭載 ROG RX 光學機械軸,具備環繞式 Aura Sync RGB 燈效、IP57 防水防塵、USB 2.0 連接埠以及鋁合金上蓋
ROG Falchion NX 65% 無線機械式電競鍵盤搭載 68 鍵,具備無線 Aura Sync 燈效、互動式觸控板、鍵盤保護蓋、ROG NX 機械軸,以及長達 450 小時的電池續航力
ROG Strix Flare II Animate 機械式電競鍵盤配備 AniMe Matrix™ LED 顯示器、8000 Hz 輪詢率、 ROG NX 機械軸或 Cherry MX 機械軸、可插拔式鍵軸、金屬媒體控制鍵以及具備燈效散射功能的腕托
ROG Strix Flare II 機械式電競鍵盤具備 8000 Hz 輪詢率、ROG NX 機械軸、金屬媒體控制鍵以及可拆式腕托
ROG Strix Scope NX RGB Wireless Deluxe 機械式電競鍵盤,具備三模連線功能、ROG NX 機械紅軸 / 青軸 / 茶軸、PBT 鍵帽、鋁合金上蓋、磁吸式腕托以及可提升 FPS 精準度的加寬版 Ctrl 鍵
ROG Strix Scope RX EVA 限定版光學 RGB 電競鍵盤,專為 FPS 遊戲玩家打造,採用 EVA 設計,搭載 ROG RX 光學機械軸,全方位 Aura Sync RGB 照明,IP57 防水防塵,USB 2.0 連接埠以及鋁合金上蓋。
ROG Falchion Ace 65% 輕巧電競鍵盤具備ROG NX 機械軸,ROG 鍵軸穩定器、吸音泡綿、互動式觸控板、雙 Type-C 連接埠、三種鍵盤傾斜角度,以及保護蓋
ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless 電競鍵盤,具備三模連線功能、實況主快捷鍵、多功能控制介面、熱插拔預潤 ROG NX 機械軸、ROG 鍵盤穩定器、PBT二色成型鍵帽和消音矽膠墊、三種傾斜角度以及手托
ROG Eye USB 攝影機支援 Full HD 1080p 60fps 串流、臉部自動曝光技術以及波束賦形麥克風,提供高品質影像與音訊
ROG Throne Qi 配備無線充電、7.1 環繞音效、雙 USB 3.1 連接埠及 Aura Sync
ROG Strix Arion M.2 NVMe SSD 外接盒— USB3.2 Gen 2x1 Type-C (10 Gbps)、雙 USB-C to C 與 USB-C to A 傳輸線、獨家 Sim 卡針開蓋免工具安裝、搭載散熱片、支援 PCIe 2280/2260/2242/2230 M key/B+M Key
ROG Cetra RGB 入耳式電競耳機具備主動降噪功能 (ANC)、10mm ASUS Essence 單體及 USB-C 連接器,可用於 PC、手機及任天堂 Switch,並支援 Aura Sync 同步燈效
ROG Strix Arion Lite M.2 NVMe SSD 外接盒 — USB3.2 Gen 2x1 Type-C (10 Gbps)、USB-C to USB-C 傳輸線、獨家 Sim 卡針開蓋免工具安裝、搭載散熱片、支援 PCIe 2280/2260/2242/2230 M key/B+M Key