[NUC] Guide to Exporting NUC BIOS settings in Windows*

To export your BIOS settings for NUCs Gen 8 and later follow these steps:

  1. Go to Aptio V UEFI Firmware Integration Tools.
  2. Download iSetupCfg.zip.
  3. Extract the iSetupCFG.zip package. Note the location where you unzipped it.
  4. Open Command Prompt. (Run as administrator)
  5. Change directory to the isetupcfg executable, in the location where you extracted the zip file.
    1. Example: cd .\Downloads\iSetupCfg\iSetupCfg-Windows-5.04.1150\X64\
  1. Execute command: iSetupCfgWin64.exe /o /s <filename.txt>

You should now see a new file with the filename and location you specified.

Related topic
iSetupCFG User Guide