[Zenbo Junior] Zenbo Junior with Alexa FAQ

1. Do I need to login to my Amazon account?

  • Yes. In order to use the Zenbo Skill and other Alexa default skills, you must login to your Amazon account.

2. Where can I login to my Amazon account?

  • You can login to your Amazon account during the device setup process, in which the screen will prompt you to [Sign in with Amazon].
  • If you skipped signing in during the device setup process, you can go into settings and login to your Amazon account.
    1. Swipe down from the top of Zenbo Junior’s face.
    2. Scroll all the way down to and you will see a [Login] button.
    3. Please select the [Login] button to login to your account.

3. What happens if I do not login to my Amazon account?

  • If you do not login to your Amazon account, you will not be able to use Alexa’s default skills or use voice commands to interact with Zenbo Junior with Alexa.


Zenbo Skill

1. What is Zenbo Skill?

  • Zenbo Skill is a third party Alexa skill that allows the user to control Zenbo Junior’s movements through voice command.

2. Where can I find the Zenbo Skill?

  • You can find the Zenbo Skill at https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Zenbo/dp/B07WG8NPQB/ref=sr_1_12?keywords=zenbo&qid=1566801009&s=gateway&sr=8-12

3. How do I link Alexa to Zenbo Junior and enable the Zenbo Skill?

  • Login to your Amazon Account on Zenbo Junior.
  • Download and sign-in to the Alexa app on your mobile device or tablet, or visit Amazon Alexa on your PC or laptop.
  • Register your Zenbo Junior device by entering the Alexa activation code found during the initial setup of Zenbo Junior or under settings.
  • Search for the Zenbo Skill on the Alexa APP or Amazon Alexa and enable the skill.
  • Try saying [Alexa, open Zenbo Junior] to give the voice commands.

4. How do I enable the Zenbo Skill?

5. How do I use voice commands to control Zenbo Junior with Alexa?

  • Please follow the steps below to use voice commands to control Zenbo Junior with Alexa.
    1. Say [Alexa].
    2. A blue light will light up on the right and left side of Zenbo Junior’s face.
    3. Continue by saying [Open Zenbo Junior], [Ask Zenbo Junior to…], or [Tell Zenbo Junior to…] followed with the voice commands.

         Example 1:

                User: [Alexa, ask Zenbo Junior].

                Zenbo Junior: [This is Zenbo Junior. Hi, nice to meet you].

                User: [Turn right].

         Example 2:

                User: [Alexa, ask Zenbo Junior to look up].

6. What starting phrase can I use to trigger the Zenbo Skill?

  • Ask
  • Begin
  • Launch
  • Load
  • Open
  • Play
  • Run
  • Start
  • Tell
  • Use
  • Starting phrases outside of this list will not trigger the Zenbo Skill and may result in no reaction from Zenbo Junior.

7. Is there a list of voice commands to control Zenbo Junior with Alexa?

8. Can I still use Alexa’s default skills on Zenbo Junior?

  • Yes, you can use Alexa’s default skills on Zenbo Junior.