ASUS TUF Gaming GT501VC šasi podporuje až EATXu veľkosti a je vybavené kovovým čelným panelom, bočným panelom z tvrdeného skla, 360 mm vodou chladenými radiátormi a vyhradeným priestorom pre USB 3.1 Gen 1
  • Navrhnuté, aby nezapadlo: Kovový čelný panel s vlastným typickým vzorom TUF Gaming a 4mm hrubý bočný panel z tvrdeného dymového skla, ktorý umožní prehliadku vnútra vašej zostavy.
  • Vyhradený priestor: Pre predné aj horné namontované 360 mm vodné chladiče a 140 mm radiátor vzadu.
  • Predveďte svoju zostavu: Šasi je vyrobené z ocele SGCC s trvanlivým fluorouhlíkovým náterom, ktorý poskytuje stabilnú ochranu komponentov a tvrdené sklo v dymovej farbe je pyšným znakom štýlu TUF Gaming GT501, ktoré umožňuje hráčom lepšie predviesť svoju vlastnú zostavu.
TUF Gaming GT501VC

TUF Gaming GT501VC

Shows Your Build In Military Stealth Style

Show Your TUF Personality

With a full-height, smoked-glass side panel, GT501VC lets you show off your build from top to bottom – so your components, customizations and Aura illuminations are all clearly visible. This panel is tempered for strength, and hinged at the bottom for opening ease.


Cooling Fan Design

It's easy to upgrade cooling when you need, with up to seven mounting points for the installation of fans.

Radiator Support

The case has space reserved both front- and top-mounted 360mm water-cooling radiators plus a 140mm radiator at the rear for future-proof chills. The interior is also thoughtfully laid out with lots of user-friendly design touches, providing a firm foundation for DIY builds that are easy to keep clean, tidy and cool.

Fan Mounting Point

140mm 360mm


GT501VC makes PC DIY easier than ever. Integrated cable-management ensures neatness, while pre-installed physical supports for the motherboard eliminates additional costs and mean you're ready to build from the get-go. It all adds up to design with you in mind for an unrivaled PC-building experience.

Design in Every Detail

  1. Cable grommet & Velcro wrap for cable routing
  2. SSD bracket
  3. Removable lid for water-cooling reservoir
  4. 2 x vertical PCIe slots
  5. PSU shroud
  6. 3.5''/2.5'' anti-vibration storage bracket
  7. Mounting points for water-pump-bracket at bottom
  8. 30mm cable-management space
  9. Preinstalled motherboard standoffs
  10. Bottom supporting bracket for side glass

Keep Your Build Like New

Removable dust filters effectively prevent airborne particulates from entering TUF Gaming GT501VC, keeping your system's internals looking as good as new for longer. The top and front filter are magnetic for a tight seal, and quick removal and cleaning, while the lower dust-trap is easily slid in and out to enable fast maintenance.

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