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Our vision
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Delivering the incredible

We are committed to providing reliable solutions that meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes. With decades of innovation experience, we understand businesses today need incredible partners they can trust to achieve their goals, stay ahead of the competition, and thrive in an ever-changing business environment.
ASUS Business
Upgrade to Incredible
Technology is constantly evolving. By upgrading to new and reliable technologies, businesses can increase efficiency and productivity, enhance customer experiences, and create new opportunities for revenue and expansion. That’s why we are dedicated to enabling businesses to achieve their full potential through the incredible power of technology.
A business lady is looking at an ASUS ExpertBook's monitor on her hand in a factory
Always-on reliability
We are committed to delivering reliable devices and services you can trust. With 5,000+ world-class, in-house engineers, we leverage our industry-leading expertise to build rock-solid products, from operations to product design. We hold hundreds of world records and have been honored with tens of thousands of awards, so you can always depend on ASUS for excellence.
It's an office and one of the workers is using ASUS ExpertCenter desktop for work
Agile solutions
We offer a wide range of agile solutions that are deeply rooted in industry and customer insights, flexibly designed with your growth vision in mind. From motherboards, PCs and peripherals to servers, software and integration with every cloud, we design solutions that fit your needs today — and tomorrow.
Two empolyees are discussing and laughing together with an ASUS ExpertBook on laps.
All-around partnership
We deliver comprehensive services and support across the device lifecycle. Whether it’s a dedicated account team, a door-to-door delivery and return service or continuous feedback-tracking to understand and reflect your needs for future products and services, we partner with you every step of the way so you receive maximum value from your investment.
An image of beautiful blue sky, mountains and green grass
Accountable sustainability for the future
Our dedication to accountable sustainability is unwavering. We're on a mission to reduce carbon emissions, uplift communities and adhere to the highest ethical business standards. What sets us apart is our holistic approach, empowering organizations of all sizes to realize sustainability goals with genuine, measurable impacts on both people and the planet.
The ASUS Business advantage
Everyday benefits for your business
ASUS Business does more than merely provide IT solutions and support. We’re focused on achieving excellence in everything we do, so you can too.
A man is using ASUS ExpertBook laptop on high mountian.
Military-grade strength
ASUS Business devices are certified to withstand drops, shakes, and knocks —ready to go the distance.
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Employees are working in office with ASUS Expert series devices on their desk.
Simplified business processes
ASUS Business IT lifecycle services streamline routine tasks — saving time and money.
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A customer service staff wearing headphone is talking on the call and using ASUS laptop.
Maximum support, minimal effort
ASUS Business Support can be tailored to any business need to protect both the hardware — and your business.
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In the military surveillance center, a service member is working with an ASUS ExpertCenter desktop computer
Enterprise-grade security
ASUS offers versatile solutions from hardware, and firmware to software to protect your confidential data.
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Custom-made business solutions
Your commercial demands are our command
Technology is rapidly changing the way business users work. Businesses have a strong need for innovative solutions to adapt to change and to compete. ASUS Business has forged strong partnerships that allow us to create comprehensive solutions for any commercial need or industrial scenario. Whatever your demand, we’ll take care of it — empowering you to focus on expanding and accelerating your business.
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Kids are using their own ASUS BR1100 laptop in classrom and one teacher is teaching a girl, looking at the laptop together.
Empower educators. Inspire the future.
Create the best learning experiences with ready-to-go devices and solutions from ASUS that let students and educators connect in innovative ways.
Learn more about education solution
Learn more about education solution
Employees are in a meeting room with ASUS ExpertBook laptops on the desk.
Small & Medium business
Reach new heights with productivity-boosting technology
Reach new heights with business technology from ASUS that boosts productivity and embraces flexible working, while keeping your business secure.
Learn more about small & medium business solution
Learn more about small & medium business solution
A group of employees are in a meeting room with ASUS ExpertBook laptops on the desk.
Enterprising IT management for future-facing businesses
ASUS lets you speed up digital transformation to streamline IT management and enhance security, so you can grow your business and retain top talent in the modern world of work.
Learn more about enterprise solution
Learn more about enterprise solution
A cloth shop staff is talking to a customer with a ASUS ExpertBook B3 detachable laptop on her hand.
Retail & Hospitality
Transform the way customers experience your brand
Move beyond the transactional and embrace innovative, intuitive technology from ASUS to elevate your brand experiences and create safer environments in-person and online.
Learn more about retail & hospitality solution
Learn more about retail & hospitality solution
Two doctors are looking at their ASUS ExpertBook B3 detachable laptop with smile.
Reimagine modern healthcare
Equip frontline staff and back-office workers with digital tools from ASUS that provide the best patient experience and ensure data security.
Learn more about healthcare solution
Learn more about healthcare solution
Government employees are in a meeting room.
Technology for government to build a better future
Transform your processes with digital tools from ASUS that make data-sharing safer and easier, so together you can create change for communities everywhere.
Learn more about government solution
Learn more about government solution
Two manufacturing employees are duscussing together in a facrory and one of the employee is holding an ASUS ExpertBook B3 detachable laptop.
Move fast. Gain the edge. Lead the way.
ASUS lets you respond to industry changes and address the needs of a changing workforce, so you can stay ahead of the competition and grow further.
Learn more about manufacturing solution
Learn more about manufacturing solution
A car engineer is checking the parts of a car with its hood open and he is holding an ASUS ExpertBook B3 detachable laptop.
Architecture, Engineering & Construction
Build the future with high-performance technology
Be ready for anything with durable, high-performance technology from ASUS that lets you realize your vision – even in harsh environments.
Learn more about architecture, engineering & construction solution
Learn more about architecture, engineering & construction solution
Four creatives employees are working in the office and two of them are discussing video editing together with ASUS ExpertCenter desktop and ProArt monitors on the desk.
Media & Entertainment
Realize your creative potential
Take creative work to the next level with digital solutions from ASUS that offer greater flexibility and easier collaboration.
Learn more about media & entertainment solution
Learn more about media & entertainment solution
A man is monitoring stock market real-time information by ASUS ExpertBook laptop with two monitors on the desk.
Stay flexible. Stay secure. Stay ahead.
ASUS brings you technology and solutions designed especially for remote working. So you know your data is safe, wherever your team might be.
Learn more about finance solution
Learn more about finance solution
Environmental, Social, and Governance
Sustaining an incredible future
We always search for the incredible. We believe that you, too, share the same passion for making an incredible impact on the world. For us, our commitment to environmental, social, and governance is to empower you and everyone else we work with to push forward for a more sustainable future.  Let’s make it sustainable — together.
We collaborate with stakeholders to create a cleaner environment and mitigate the impact of climate change by increasing our energy efficiency, utilizing renewable energy, and fostering innovation.
We leverage Design Thinking and technological innovation to develop eco-friendly products, making our business model more environmentally-friendly to minimize our impact on the planet.
We work together with our partners to ensure environmental, labor, and human rights responsibility in our supply chain, protecting the rights of everyone our business touches.
We explore innovations in digital inclusion, cross-sector collaborations, and sustainable business models that can create shared value for all.
More about ASUS
Product support
Download manuals, drivers, find warranty information and more.
Explore our partner programs
Discover how ASUS Business partners help us to achieve more.
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Connect with ASUS Business
We're always there to support

Ocenenia a uznania spoločnosti ASUS

Spoločnosť ASUS sa usiluje prinášať inovácie a najvyššiu úroveň kvality vo všetkom, čo robí. Usilujeme sa stať najobdivovanejším inovatívnym popredným technologickým podnikom na svete a naše neustále sa rozširujúce portfólio produktov a služieb si neustále získava celosvetovú pozornosť.
Najvyššie hodnotená spoločnosť
Časopis Forbes zaradil spoločnosť ASUS do svojho výročného prieskumu Top Regarded Companies za dôveryhodnosť, sociálne správanie a výkonnosť.
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Najobdivovanejšia spoločnosť na svete
Časopis Fortune zaradil spoločnosť ASUS päť rokov po sebe medzi najobdivovanejšie spoločnosti na svete a medzi lídrov v technologickom odvetví.
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No. 1 - najhodnotnejšia značka
V posledných ôsmich rokoch sme sa umiestnili na čele výročného prieskumu Interbrand a sedem rokov po sebe sme získali ocenenie ako najhodnotnejšia značka na Taiwane.
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Top 100 svetových inovátorov
Spoločnosť ASUS sa dostala do rebríčka Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators 2021 spolu s najlepšími inovátormi na svete za svoje úspechy v oblasti získavania dôležitých a vplyvných patentov.
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Najlepšia značka notebookov
Časopis Laptop Mag ocenil spoločnosť ASUS ako najlepšiu značku notebookov na svete na rok 2020 s najvyšším počtom bodov a všestrannou chválou za recenzie produktov, inovácie, dizajn, hodnotu produktov a všestrannosť výberu.
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Inovatívny dizajn produktov
ASUS získal rekordných 32 ocenení v súťaži iF Design Awards 2022 a ďalších sedem ocenení iF World Design Index za špičkový dizajn na svetovej úrovni.
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Zistite, ako riešenia ASUS prinášajú reálne výsledky organizáciám na celom svete.
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