Home > A Day With ASUS Zenbook DUO – Enjoy All Day Battery Life With The Dual-Screened AI PC

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A Day With ASUS Zenbook DUO – Enjoy All Day Battery Life With The Dual-Screened AI PC

Jun 28, 2024

Author: ASUS    Reading time: 8 minutes

a young woman using ASUS Zenbook DUO laptop on her lap while sitting on a bench outdoors

Jun 28, 2024

Hybrid and remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads likely know the challenges of working on the go. A constant search for a good spot to work that, aside from being quiet and comfortable, must have access to an electricity outlet — no one likes losing all the unsaved progress when the laptop runs out of juice.

A dual-screen laptop, such as ASUS Zenbook DUO, is a real game-changer for these on-the-go professionals. Not only does it allow users to stay productive in any scenario, but it also has a long-lasting battery for all-day productivity. Here is an example of a day in the life of a remote marketer with ASUS Zenbook DUO.

The Morning Warmup

I usually start my day with a quick catchup of the latest news at work and in the world. As I sit down with a cup of coffee at the dining room table, I unplug my Zenbook DUO (I have a habit of charging it overnight) and open it in Dual-screen mode, with the displays stacked on top of each other. To take as little space as possible, I don't use the Bluetooth keyboard but rather navigate the computer with the touch of my finger. On the top screen, I open my email app and catch up on the latest updates from my colleagues, company management, company news, and industry information in the newsletters I sign up for. At the same time, on the bottom screen, I like to open my favorite news outlet website and play their morning roundup videos in the background. If some message requires my response, I tap the bottom screen with six fingers to bring up the virtual keyboard, change the angle of the screens for more comfortable typing, and then quickly respond. As the coffee disappears from my cup, I am up to date not only on work news but also know the latest world events — all before the workday even starts.

Time to Get Productive

After my morning routine is done, it’s time to get productive. For this part of the day, which usually lasts until noon, I move over to my desk, where I open the laptop in desktop mode — with the two screens set vertically side-by-side and the Bluetooth keyboard in front of me. This is the setup that I find optimal for working with text, which is a good chunk of my work responsibility. I usually have an internet browser or an app open on the left screen, and a word processor or some other app open on the two-thirds of the right-hand screen, with a music player open at the bottom. The Zenbook DUO has an all-day battery, so there’s no need to plug it in.

a young woman using the ASUS Zenbook DUO laptop in desktop mode while sitting at a table

Typing on the ASUS ErgoSense Bluetooth keyboard and using the touchpad are very comfortable experiences. They work very smoothly and precisely, with no discernable latency. The keystrokes are accurate and satisfying, thanks to a full-width layout and plentiful key travel.

Heading Out: Client Meetings, Maybe a Café Afterwards

My work frequently requires in-person meetings with colleagues, partners, clients, or vendors. I also occasionally need to attend a photoshoots. I do my best to leave the second half of the day for these activities. When I’m ready to go, I attach the keyboard to the bottom screen and close the laptop ― then I slip it into my trusty backpack. My backpack is rather small, so I definitely appreciate the ZenBook DUO's compact chassis. Though it has a 14-inch screen size, the chassis is less than 2 cm thin and weighs a mere 1.65 kg (keyboard included). And thanks to the long-life battery, I don't need to bring the charger with me.

Very frequently, meetings consist of brainstorming and collaborative work. More often than not, someone joins online as well. The Sharing mode of the Zenbook DUO becomes very useful during these sessions. With the two screen displaying the same information in opposite views on Sharing mode, I can ensure that the person across from me in the meeting room sees what I'm working on in real-time, even if the meeting room is small and has no external display. Those online also see the same thing, and they can hear the in-room discussion clearly thanks to ASUS Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation feature on my Zenbook DUO. For good measure, I also like to launch the Microsoft Copilot AI assistant and task it with creating a meeting transcript. When the meeting is done, Copilot helps me create a summary of the meeting, which I send out as meeting minutes.

two people using ASUS Zenbook DUO in sharing mode to collaborate on a project

After meetings, I often head over to the neighborhood café or try a new spot in the city to work at. Because of the exceptional battery in Zenbook DUO, I have plenty of power to catch up on other work or personal projects.

A woman using the ASUS Zenbook DUO laptop in a café while surrounded with plants

Ideal Commute Companion

I like it when there is no urgent work to be completed on the way home, when I’m on the train. I can prop up the laptop on the little table in front of my seat and watch a show. I simply connect my wireless headphones and enjoy the spectacle. Everything onscreen always looks great, thanks to the rich and accurate colors of the ASUS Lumina OLED display.

Or, when there is still work to be done, I use Zenbook DUO on the table or on my lap in the laptop mode. It’s versatile enough to accommodate pretty much any mode of public transportation, so I can always find the right mode for productivity. By the time I get home, after a full workday, there is usually still a good bit of battery left.

a woman using ASUS Zenbook DUO laptop while sitting on stairs outdoors

Evening Entertainment

When I get home I usually plug in the laptop, even though there is still charge left in the battery. Charging while I eat dinner is usually more than enough power for the evening. Even if the battery level is somehow very low, it takes only 49 minutes to charge to 60%.

After dinner, I unplug the laptop and go about my hobbies. On a lazy day, I'll just lie on the sofa and watch my favorite gaming streamers' latest videos, catch up on a show or watch a movie, or have a video call with a friend. If I'm feeling productive, I spend time on my other hobby: As an amateur content creator, I use the laptop to edit photos I take on weekend outings and make montages from my sports-camera footage, when I go surfing or cycling. This is when the color accuracy of the Zenbook DUO’s ASUS Lumina OLED panel becomes useful again. Plus, the laptop renders content quickly, thanks to the robust AI-powered Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 processor and 32 GB LPDDR5x memory. I also like to use generative AI to enrich my creativity or speed up the editing process, so it's great that the CPU contains dedicated AI cores (NPU).

My day usually ends around 10 p.m. By then, there’s usually still plenty of charge remaining ― but as mentioned earlier, I'm in a habit of charging it overnight. So, I turn the machine off and leave it plugged in at my desk until the next morning.

About the Battery

The battery life on the ASUS Zenbook DUO is impressive, to say the least. The 75-watt battery in ASUS Zenbook DUO is capable of over 13 hours of video playback in Single-screen mode and up to 10.5 hours of video playback in Dual-screen mode. This impressive battery performance is made possible by the new-generation CPU, which is optimized to engage the performance cores only when needed. The NPU also helps optimize battery performance, especially when processing AI, by taking on specific tasks while the CPU cores handle other tasks.

There are multiple battery modes to choose from, using the MyASUS app, including a battery care mode, which limits the charging to 80% of full capacity — helping extend battery lifespan and longevity. This feature can be switched on and off, according to your needs.

In addition, the battery in Zenbook DUO has a 20% longer lifespan in comparison with the previous generation, lasting up to 1200 charging cycles. This not only makes the laptop an investment that will last longer, it also helps promote sustainability.

Learn More About Zenbook DUO

Are you intrigued by this exceptional laptop with impressive battery life and versatile usage modes? Learn more about ASUS Zenbook DUO by clicking the button below!

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