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[Network Place (SMB)] How to Fix Windows 11 Not Working SMB Feature?
Microsoft has strengthened its security policies in Windows 11 24H2, requiring all connections to use SMB signing. (What's new in Windows 11, version 24H2 for IT pros | Microsoft Learn)
This change may prevent users from connecting to certain devices via Network Neighborhood (SMB), such as high-end NAS (network-attached storage) devices or ASUS routers with USB-connected hard drives.
If you cannot use SMB in Windows 11, please refer to the following solutions and choose one of them to set up:
Note: The following methods may reduce system security, so they are recommended only in trusted network environments.
Method 1. Enable insecure guest logons:
a. Using the Registry Editor:
a1. Type and search [registry editor] in the Windows search bar, then click [Open].
a2. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\LanmanWorkstation].
If [LanmanWorkstation] does not exist, right-click on [Microsoft], select [New] > [Key], and name it [LanmanWorkstation].
a3. Right-click on [LanmanWorkstation], select [New] > [DWORD (32-bit) Value], and name it [AllowInsecureGuestAuth].
a4. Right-click on [AllowInsecureGuestAuth], select [Modify], set the Value data to 1, then click [OK].
b. Using the Local Group Policy Editor:
b1. Press [Win] + [R] key on the keyboard, type [gpedit.msc], then click [OK].
b2. Navigate to [Computer Configuration] > [Administrative Templates] > [Network] > [Lanman Workstation].
b3. In the right pane, right-click on [Enable insecure guest logons], select [Edit],
b4. Select Enabled, then click [OK].
Method 2. Disable SMB Signing Requirement:
a. Using the Registry Editor:
a1. Type and search [registry editor] in the Windows search bar, then click [Open].
a2. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\RequireSecuritySignature].
If [RequireSecuritySignature] does not exist, right-click on [Parameters], select [New] > [DWORD (32-bit) Value], and name it [RequireSecuritySignature].
a3. Right-click on [RequireSecuritySignature], select [Modify], set the Value data to 0, then click [OK].
b. Using Windows PowerShell:
b1. Type and search [Windows PowerShell] in the Windows search bar, open [Windows PowerShell] as Administrator.
b2. Enter the following command and press Enter on the keyboard.
- Set-SmbClientConfiguration -RequireSecuritySignature $false
Please refer to Microsoft Official Website Information
Group Policy