Апгрейд гарантии: здесь.
* Обращаем ваше внимание, что доступность устройств с гарантией Premium Care зависит от региона.
- Драйверы и Утилиты
Enhance compatibility with some USB devices.
Improve memory compatibility.
Improve system stability.
Improve system stability.
Enhance compatibility with some PCIE device.
1.Fix WINPE UEFI mode can't boot.
2.Fixed Power On By RTC function failed.
3.Fixed F8 function is abnormal under fastboot
4.Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at: http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx?SLanguage=en-us
Optimize BIOS configuration
Fix WINPE UEFI mode can't boot.
1.Improve system stability.
2.Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at: http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx?SLanguage=en-us
Improve system stability.
Improve system stability.
Improve system stability.
1.Improve compatibility with Windows 8 OS.
2.Improve system stability.
3.Enhance compatibility with some USB devices.
4. Fixed Nvidia GTX 680 hang when runing with UEFI driver.
First release Bios