Tinker Board

“Asus' Tinker Board almost doubles the Raspberry Pi 3’s performance”

“The ASUS Tinker Board delivers much more powerful hardware than a Raspberry Pi. Although its tinkering abilities still have some way to go, there’s lots of potential here for makers and budding product designers, as well as anyone who just wants a tiny and cheap but capable Linux computer.”

“A brilliant computer for projects, with almost double the Raspberry Pi 3’s performance.”

“A brilliant smart computer for projects, with almost double the Raspberry Pi 3’s performance.”

Soc Rockchip's power, LAN Gigabit, high quality audio, designed for developers.

Nitidamente, ele veio para concorrer com o Raspberry Pi 3-B, especialmente na performance, pois traz especificações mais robustas como o dobro de memória RAM, um processador e GPU melhor, rede gigabit e etc.