ASUS VivoWatch 5 (HC-B05)
Video reviews
The VivoWatch 5 supports Google Fit and even Strava, which are great features to have.
After missing from the Malaysian market for years, they're finally back with the new VivoWatch 5!
健康機能は業界随一! ASUS VivoWatch 5使用レビュー【新作スマートウォッチ】
suitable for the elderly or those who love exercise who want to measure blood pressure Which this watch can do more than a normal smart watch, charging the battery once can last up to 7-14 days depending on usage. and has a tangible price
A watch that helps analyze and solve snoring problems. Audio recordings and data are available for physicians to help analyze solutions. It can also measure blood pressure for a temporary reference. and also has functions for complete exercise
Media reviews

高質感外觀設計的ASUS VivoWatch 5,以金屬錶殼搭配隨附的兩種快拆式錶帶,提供多種風格與個性化錶面


總和來說,VivoWatch 5 將過往的健康量測管理機能,最佳化介面編排、操作感受,無須閱讀使用手冊也能輕鬆上手。ASUS 同時拓展了運動模式功能,讓它除了典型的運動之外,也能在登山健行之類活動發揮。除了相當於一機可以兩用,外觀視覺設計也向傳統錶看齊,整體而言讓人留下了良好的印象,也樂見未來產品能多加強化登山健行之類機能。

健康がちょっと気になる人にピッタリ! なスマートウォッチ「ASUS VivoWatch 5」を試して分かったこと

スマートウォッチ「ASUS VivoWatch 5」の健康機能が凄かった! 徹底使用レビュー

ASUSのスマートウォッチ『VivoWatch 5』はアウトドアシーンや健康管理に超便利! 山で試した本格派の実力とは?