ASUS ZenWiFi XD6 Series(XD6/XD6S)



This year marks the 10th consecutive year that ASUS has won Readers’ Choice Best Wireless Networking Brand. And they’ve managed to increase their lead from 33% for the 2022 Awards to 39% in 2023. It is a stronghold for ASUS as a consumer brand that focuses on performance and adoption of the latest standards, especially with their ROG line of gaming routers.

Today, they’re well known not just for superior wireless performance, but also as one of the few brands that continue to push the latest in standards, security, advanced user customisation and building a robust networking ecosystem through AiMesh functionality to enable compatible ASUS routers to work together in a single SSID.

The ZenWiFi XD6 managed to keep the signal strong and constant as we continued to put more (concrete) walls between us. It was also strong enough to continue streaming 4K UHD content on a Smart TV in another room wirelessly without any issues.

ASUS’ popularity is most likely due to their focus on powerful hardware with cutting edge networking features across their Wi-Fi 6 range from the flagship ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 to the RT-AX86U.
Video reviews
经常有网友私信我们,该怎样安装AI Mesh Router?今天我们家三小只 Noel 诺幺 MiyaCheong 钟敏儿 鬼眼丹丹 Evy 就给大家来个简易教学,保证你一学就懂,从此WIFI变强,上分顺畅!
When your house turns into a DEAD ZONE, who ya gonna call? 😱 ...Sifu MamaJess la of course!
5个你要知道的AI MESH知识!到底Ai Mesh的用处是什么呢?让我们家三小只 Noel 诺幺 MiyaCheong 钟敏儿 鬼眼丹丹 Evy 给大家演绎一下什么是AI MESH!!
There's no relationship more wholesome than a girl and her...WiFi connection 🤭 Let Rina show you the power of friendship, guest starring Ellie 🥰
MESH atau WIFI 6?
Saya punya recommendation senang je.
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Media reviews

Which leaves us with an important question. If you are going to splash out on a fancy router, do you want one that's only going to be good for a year or two or, as full-fibre becomes available to more than just those of us who live in big cities, do you want one that's going to be futureproofed for the next five or more years? If the latter, perhaps the new flagship ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AXE16000 router will be the solution you crave. It's certainly not priced for the average user, but it has so m

Purchase guide of the best ASUS routers

Nevertheless, it is a nice set for when part of your house is wired, and especially if you appreciate the considerably more extensive software features from ASUS.

If you live in an average-sized single-floor apartment, traditional wireless routers are an effective choice for setting up a home network. However, the same cannot be said if you live in a larger multi-story home that could use more planning to ensure coverage for every room.

如果您正苦惱怎麼解決無線網路訊號不優的問題,或是希望能夠有穩定專屬的網路傳輸環境,不妨參考一下華碩推出的這款具備 Mesh 與高速Wi-Fi 6 技術的 ZenWiFi XD6 無線路由器,因為安裝真的是相當簡單無障礙!

In the hands of Gaming Router Asus Rog Rapture GT-AX6000