ASUS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set CW100

Performante superioare, autonomie de lunga durata

A man using the ASUS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set CW100 on a wooden table.


Putere extinsa

ASUS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set CW100 is placed against a white and yellow background.
Pana la
6 luni
autonomie tastatura1
Pana la
1 an
autonomie mouse1


Design usor si subtire

A person uses ASUS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set CW100 with angled shot on a smooth wooden table.
2 cm
Grosime tastatura


Inscriptionare cu laser

ASUS Wireless Keyboard placed against a white and yellow background.


Design silentios

ASUS Wireless Mouse on a smooth wooden desk.
10 milioane


Control precis

A hand using ASUS Wireless Mouse placed against a white and yellow background.
  • Autonomia bateriei poate varia in functie de obiceiurile utilizatorului si de conditiile de utilizare.
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