ProArt Backpack

Ramai creativ in deplasare

Front view of ProArt Backpack set against a colorful background.


Detalii de design bine gandite

A 360 degree product spinning image
A close-up of the water-repellent outer surface of ProArt Backpack.
600D PU polyester
A close-up photo of the right-side compression strap and adjustable buckle of ProArt Backpack.
Doua bretele laterale reglabile
A 45-degree-angled product shot of ProArt Backpack.
Spatiul de depozitare
A rear photo of ProArt Backpack with four arrows showing the breathable back panel design.
Perfect confortabil


Exceptional de versatil

Three side-by-side photos of ProArt Backpack to demonstrate how it can be secured to a suitcase with a luggage strap.
Three side-by-side photos of ProArt Backpack to demonstrate how it can be carried via its side handle.
Three side-by-side photos of ProArt Backpack to demonstrate how it can be carried like a normal backpack.


Proiectat tinand cont de mediu

The left photo shows a model with a ProArt Studiobook and ProArt Backpack. The right image is a simple flow graph showing how recycled polyester (rPET) fabric is made from recycled plastic bottles.
Recycled polyester (rPET) fabric iconmateriale sustenabile (rPET)
8 x Plastic bottles iconnumarul sticlelor de plastic folosite per rucsac
procent de energie economisita in timpul productiei, comparativ cu un rucsac obisnuit
160 g
cantitatea de plastic economisita per fiecare rucsac


Pastreaza-ti igiena dispozitivelor

A close-up of the main compartment interior of ProArt Backpack that’s treated with ASUS Antimicrobial Guard. The image includes an insert to show how Microban technology inhibits bacterial growth in textiles.
Reduce mirosurile si petele
ASUS Antimicrobial Guard iconASUS Antimicrobial Guard
mai curat
de lunga durata
image shows how Microban technology is infused into the fibers.
Pasul 1.
Tehnologia Microban este infuzata in fibre.
image shows how bacteria are treated to the treated fibers.
Pasul 2.
Bacteriile sunt atrase de fibrele tratate.
image shows how Microban technology punctures the bacterial cell wall.
Pasul 3.
Tehnologia Microban perforeaza peretele celular al bacteriilor - o componenta importanta ce ii mentine integritatea structurala.
image shows a fabric with no bacteria to create odors and stains.
Pasul 4.
Fara o membrana sanatoasa, bacteriile mor si nu mai pot crea mirosuri sau pete.


Organizeaza-ti lucrurile in mod inteligent

A close-up photo of the front pocket.
Compartiment frontal
 A photo showing the main compartment.
Compartiment pentru laptop
 A photo showing how a laptop slips easily into the laptop compartment.
Compartiment principal
A photo showing the side pocket.
Buzunar lateral


Calitate testata

Fermoare YKK durabile
Crocking Test iconTest anti-arici
Rubber Friction iconFrecare de cauciuc
Abrasion Resistance icon Rezistenta la abraziune
Light Color Fastness iconRezistenta culorii la lumina
Water Repellence iconRepelenta la apa
Adhesion Test iconTest de aderenta
Chemically Resistant Test iconTest de rezistenta chimica
Zip Test iconTest de fermoar
Pressure Resistant Test iconTest de rezistenta la presiune
Thermal Shock Resistant Test iconTest de rezistenta la socuri termice


Transporta maxim pana la un laptop de 17 inci

A size comparison chart showing ProArt Backpack and a laptop.
  1. Microban este o tehnologie antimicrobiana revolutionara pentru polimeri si textile; S-a dovedit stiintific ca acest tratament special inhiba dezvoltarea bacteriilor daunatoare dupa utilizare.
  2. US EPA N0: 64881-7/EU BPR CAS NO. 27668-52-6.
  3. Tratamentul antimicrobian este testat de un laborator independent tert conform standardului ASTM E2149-2020 (Determinarea activitatii antimicrobiene a agentilor antimicrobieni imobilizati in conditii de contact dinamice), acest tratament special a fost dovedit stiintific ca inhiba cresterea bacteriilor cu peste 99% pe o perioada de 24 de ore si este destinat pentru a reduce raspandirea bacteriilor daunatoare prin contact. Reducerea bacteriilor gram pozitive si gram negative. ASTM International, fondata ca Societatea Americana pentru Testare si Materiale, este o organizatie nonprofit care dezvolta si publica aproximativ 12.000 de standarde tehnice, care acopera procedurile de testare si clasificare a materialelor de orice fel.
comparison icon
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