Produsele ASUS WiFi 6 sunt Certificate Wi-Fi 6™ de către Wi-Fi Alliance®, trecând o serie de teste stricte de capacitate WiFi 6 pentru caracteristici cum ar fi transmisia WPA3 și OFDMA. ASUS este unul dintre primii furnizori de routere Certificate Wi-Fi 6 pentru acasă, oferind în mod cert beneficiile complete ale tehnologiei.


ASUS oferă o gamă completă de routere WiFi 6 pentru consumatori și profesionisti. Indiferent dacă sunteți în căutarea unui model de înaltă performanță pentru muncă sau jocuri, sau un model accesibil pentru acasă, ASUS are un router WiFi 6 care este perfect pentru dvs.
WiFi 6


ASUS a fost unul dintre pionierii routerelor WiFi 6. Introducerea adaptorului WiFi 6 ASUS PCE-AX58BT PCIe® pentru calculatoarele desktop a permis primul ecosistem WiFi 6 single-band, iar acum WiFi 6 este disponibil în routere ASUS, plăci de bază, laptop-uri și mini PC-uri.


Produsele ASUS WiFi 6 sunt Certificate Wi-Fi 6™ de către Wi-Fi Alliance®, trecând o serie de teste stricte de capacitate WiFi 6 pentru caracteristici cum ar fi transmisia WPA3 și OFDMA. ASUS este unul dintre primii furnizori de routere Certificate Wi-Fi 6 pentru acasă, oferind în mod cert beneficiile complete ale tehnologiei.


ASUS oferă o gamă completă de routere WiFi 6 pentru consumatori și profesionisti. Indiferent dacă sunteți în căutarea unui model de înaltă performanță pentru muncă sau jocuri, sau un model accesibil pentru acasă, ASUS are un router WiFi 6 care este perfect pentru dvs.
WiFi 6


ASUS a fost unul dintre pionierii routerelor WiFi 6. Introducerea adaptorului WiFi 6 ASUS PCE-AX58BT PCIe® pentru calculatoarele desktop a permis primul ecosistem WiFi 6 single-band, iar acum WiFi 6 este disponibil în routere ASUS, plăci de bază, laptop-uri și mini PC-uri.


Cel mai recent WiFi 6 (802.11ax) este un nou standard WiFi care este complet compatibil cu toate dispozitivele WiFi existente, deci nu trebuie să așteptați: dar când adăugați noi dispozitive WiFi 6, vă veți bucura de toate avantajele acestui WiFi ultra-capabil.*
  • 4X

    Latență mai mică
  • 1.25X

    Viteze mai mari
  • 7X

    Eficiență energetică
  • 80%

    Rază de acțiune mai mare

Proiectat pentru rețele aglomerate cu dispozitive multiple

Cu o combinație revoluționară de tehnologii OFDMA, MU-MIMO și BSS, tehnologia WiFi 6 oferă o capacitate de rețea mai mare de până la 4X pentru a reduce latența în mediile cu trafic intens. Generație anterioară WiFi 5 (802.11ac) poate gestiona un singur dispozitiv la un moment dat pe fiecare canal de rețea, ceea ce reprezintă o utilizare ineficientă a lățimii de bandă disponibile. OFDMA suportat în WiFi 6 împarte fiecare canal în sub-canale mici, permițând semnalele de la mai multe dispozitive să fie grupate și transmise simultan, reducând latența pentru o experiență WiFi mai cursivă și receptivă.
  • WiFi 5 OFDM

    Lățimea de bandă pierdută - Latență mai mare

  • WiFi 6 OFDMA

    Lățimea de bandă utilizată complet - Latență mai mică

WiFi la viteză încredibiliă

Tehnologia WiFi 6 depășește limitele de viteză existente prin utilizarea tehnicii inovative de modulare 1024-QAM. Standardul anterior WiFi 5 (802.11ac) folosește tehnica 256-QAM: în comparație cu aceasta, 1024-QAM împachetează 25% mai multe informații în semnal pentru a oferi un spor de performanță de 1.25X. Aceste viteze îmbunătățite pot fi de până la 11 Gbps: puteți să vă luați la revedere de la lag și latență, chiar și atunci când transmiteți videoclipuri 8K sau vă bucurați de jocuri VR!**

Durată de viață mai bună a bateriei dispozitivului

Utilizarea unui router WiFi 6 vă poate ajuta să reduceți consumul de energie al tuturor dispozitivelor dvs. mobile și IoT. Funcția Target Wake Time (TWT) permite dispozitivelor să fie inactive atunci când nu este necesară o comunicare cu routerul, reducând consumul de energie cu până la 7X pentru a oferi o durată de viață îmbunătățită semnificativ a bateriei. Astfel, puteți maximiza durata de viață a bateriei pe telefonul sau laptopul dvs., beneficiind în același timp de toate avantajele unei performanțe WiFi 6 mai rapide.
  • Fără Target Wake Time
    WiFi 5

    Consum de energie mai mare al dispozitivului

  • Cu Target Wake Time
    WiFi 6

    7X durata de viață a bateriei mai bună pentru dispozitivele client

WiFi care ajunge mai departe

WiFi 6 folosește tehnologia OFDMA pentru a furniza o rază de semnal WiFi îmbunătățită și o mai bună acoperire prin împărțirea fiecărui canal wireless în sub-canale mai mici. Aceste sub-canale au o lățime de bandă redusă care le oferă o îmbunătățire a razei de 80%. Rezultatul este de mai puține puncte moarte și conexiuni WiFi mai rapide, mai fiabile pentru dispozitivele dvs., în întreaga casă. Cu WiFi 6, mansarda, grădina sau subsolul dvs. nu vor mai fi zone fără WiFi!***


5 lucruri de știut înainte de a trece la cel mai nou standard WiFi 6

WiFi-ul este într-adevăr un mod de viață, deoarece evoluția WiFi 6 furnizează date mai eficiente și viteze mai rapide. Dincolo de performanțele îmbunătățite, aveți nevoie într-adevăr de WiFi 6? Sunt 5 lucruri pe care doriți să le știți pentru a lua decizia.

1. Backward compatibility is the name of the game

A concern with upgrading to new technology is the lack of support in the early stages, but that won't be the case with WiFi 6. Although it primarily serves to transmit data to devices that are compatible, it's still able to work with all existing WiFi-supported gadgets, so there's no need for users to replace their smartphones and tablets. New WiFi, new device? Not in this house.

2. Enhanced performance in crowded areas

Encountering slow WiFi speeds in a crowded setting is a familiar problem, and it's bound to stay in this digital age. As households are increasingly overloaded with WiFi devices from smartphones and laptops to tablets, the one-gadget-per-individual lifestyle is quickly becoming a past memory. All that bandwidth demands for greater capabilities, however, and WiFi 6 seeks to improve the user experience by increasing the transmission speeds of devices, such that poor connectivity and latency lag will no longer be an issue.

3. Increased support for the smart home ecosystem

It's in with the new, and out with the old. With smart homes gaining more popularity, the average home is set to experience a denser network, which may lead to slower WiFi speeds.
The upgraded technologies of WiFi 6 are designed to tackle this problem, allowing for increased traffic without a drop in transmission speeds. In this Internet of Things (IoT) era, having a smart home ecosystem also means more support for AR and VR technology. For gamers, this means it's now possible to enjoy popular VR titles across devices, and reap the performance benefits while at it.

4. Setting the stage for the future of 4K and 8K streaming

The days of 720p streaming are fast disappearing, as 4K and 8K videos take over – but with the high-definition format comes a need for a proper WiFi infrastructure that cannot operate on slower speeds. With a combination of faster processors, increased memory, and more radio streams, WiFi 6 is well-equipped to keep up with the demands of technologically-advanced streaming for a stutter-free viewing experience of events like the Tokyo Olympics.

5. Say hello to longer battery life

New version, new upgrades. The need to stay connected has called for prolonged battery life, especially with the frequent and heavy use of WiFi devices in today's times. WiFi 6's all-new “target wake time” feature brings energy-saving technology into the fray by having the access point put its WiFi radio to sleep, before waking it up for the next transmission at a specified time. Longer hours and greater battery efficiency, for the win.

As the WiFi 6 ecosystem continues to grow, more WiFi 6-certified products are expected to hit shelves. With its numerous perks, the new standard proves to be a valuable upgrade, especially for those who value fast speeds. The first step now is making the transition to the WiFi 6 life, and ASUS is the place to get started.



Routerele ASUS WiFi 6: Care este diferența?

WiFi is a major party in this current Internet of Things era (IoT), where connectivity is key. As technology continues to evolve, WiFi capabilities are bound to evolve to greater heights – something that's set to be a staple with the dawn of WiFi 6. Faster speeds, higher capacity, and longer battery span will soon be the way of life, but with that also comes the need for hardware upgrades. Here's where ASUS enters the playing field with its latest WiFi 6 routers, delivering enhanced connection range, smart home convenience, and device security to match up to these demands.

So what exactly is WiFi 6? Apart from the welcome performance boost, the new WiFi standard is doing away with the complex 802.11n, 801.11ac, and 802.11ax terms, which have been renamed to “WiFi 4”, “WiFi 5”, and “WiFi 6” respectively. These new names will also appear on compatible software and devices as well, so users can know which network to connect to.

All of the advantages would count for nothing without a robust WiFi 6 ecosystem, however. ASUS seeks to bring this combined touch of convenience and efficiency to homes with a well-armed WiFi 6 router line-up – one that's the most complete among its competitors. From the likes of WiFi 6 adapters and notebooks to motherboards, its stable of devices has been steadily growing, and looks set to join the existing WiFi 6 router family.

Here's where convenience comes into the picture. Having a complete device line-up makes it easy to fit the high-end and mainstream demand for routers at one go, while establishing an ecosystem that allows both the router and client device to be WiFi 6-compatible. With ASUS being one of the first brands to embrace WiFi 6 across all product categories, users are given more choices and variety on router and client devices.

The existing line-up, meanwhile, sees the high-performing RT-AX88U leading the charge. Not only does the router's WiFi 6 certification bring reliability and trust to the ASUS branding, the seal of approval and confidence also serves as a show of commitment to improve the WiFi 6 user experience.

It may be that having one router in a house used to be the norm, but the scene has certainly changed. Mesh networks are all the hype now, and ASUS adds to them its own flair with the help of its proprietary AiMesh technology. Because it connects standalone AiMesh routers to form a mesh network, homes will be able to experience faster speeds, increased networking flexibility, and more importantly, a greater connection range. What this translates to is the elimination of dead zones, allowing for smoother data transmission – an important trait in today's need to always stay connected.

The process is made even more efficient with AiMesh's neat, nifty feature to auto-select the best WiFi signal in a setting, so that there's no need to constantly switch between different networks in the same space. Where it shines, however, is in its compatibility with supported routers, such that users only have to buy one new AiMesh router to build a mesh network instead of being forced to abandon their current router for an entire brand-new, costly mesh set.

For all of the convenience that WiFi has brought, it's also a double-edged sword. Cyber threats and security loopholes are always a concern with connectivity, where simple problems like weak passwords, unencrypted WiFi, and incorrect settings may invite hackers to easily bypass the firewall and steal sensitive personal information. ASUS cooperates with Trend Micro™ to provide life-time security protection with its own proprietary AiProtection technology. Specifically designed to combat such vulnerabilities, it takes on a three-pronged security approach: prevention (router security scan), protection (blocking of malicious sites), and mitigation (detection and blocking of infected devices). Here, security is the top priority.

Întrucât WiFi 6 își face încet locul ca următorul standard în lumea tehnologiei, mai multe mărci se pregătesc și salută avansarea către noul teritoriu, în timp ce ASUS are multe de oferit - sub formă de calitate, varietate și experiență pentru utilizatori.



WiFi 6, explicat: Tehnologia din spatele noului standard WiFi

The dawn of WiFi has certainly revolutionized the way individuals live their lives, bringing with it a welcome touch of convenience and connectivity. In homes, multiple electronic devices often remain connected to a shared network, allowing for simultaneous use.

But that's where the familiar, pesky problem of slow connection sets in. As the demand for wireless bandwidth increases, the capacity of a traditional router is spread thin, resulting in reduced speed and higher latency.

The new WiFi 6 standard is designed to address such issues. With the promise to usher in a new era of WiFi. WiFi 6 builds upon the existing structure of its predecessors, and also seeks to hold certified partners to an enhanced set of standards that includes faster speed, larger capacity, wider coverage, and better battery efficiency.

The first thing to note is that the underlying WiFi technology works using radio signals. To send a WiFi transmission, devices have to modulate the frequency signal on a specific radio channel, which will then be received by the recipient device in the form of binary code. Known as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), the process involves the modulation of radio waves in different ways to convey digital data, where the router's performance is determined by the scale of binary code being sent out.

Take a 2-QAM access point as an example. As it is only able to alter the WiFi radio waves in two ways, each transmission would end up being a one-digit code (either a ‘1' or a ‘0'). Its 4-QAM counterpart, in comparison, can send out two-digit transmissions (‘00', ‘01', ‘10” or ‘11”) with its ability to modulate waves in four distinct ways.

With WiFi 6 however, the ante goes up. Clocking in at 1024-QAM, it allows devices to send 10-digit binary transmissions that boast speeds up to 25%, and increases the throughput for intensive use cases. Simply put, the more binary codes a router can transmit, the stronger and faster it is – here's a comparison of the peak data rates across the board at 80MHz and 4x4 devices:

● WiFi 5 256 QAM (common): up to 1733 Mbps
● WiFi 5 1024 QAM (only a few routers): up to 2167 Mbps
● WiFi 6 1024 QAM (common): up to 2400 Mbps

QAM isn't the only term to know – meet OFDMA, short for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access. A new feature belonging to WiFi 6, it works on a divide-and-conquer principle, allowing devices to serve different clients at the same time within just one channel.

This process is further enhanced with its additional ability to divide the transmission channel on the 2.5 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands into smaller digital entities called resource units (RUs). These provide another platform for routers to transmit information – think of the many arms of modern-day ASUS routers – which results in improved, higher speeds.

Because WiFi 6 allows multiple users to connect to the network all at once, there's a need to ensure that the timing for data transmissions remains as precise as possible across the board, too. To achieve a larger network capacity, interference between simultaneous users has to be minimized, and WiFi 6 manages to make this work through synchronizing the trigger frame broadcast of access points.

A trigger frame is, in simpler terms, a new framework adopted by WiFi 6 to allocate RUs and set transmission timings for each client, such that upstream transmissions can be coordinated. As such, devices will be assigned to a specific individual transmit timing, the syncing of which brings about better bandwidth.

With WiFi 6 also comes more sophisticated beamforming capabilities as well. In contrast to the traditional way of broadcasting WiFi signals in all directions, beamforming focuses on projecting them in a particular direction, such that the signal is stronger and more concentrated. What this translates to is a longer range that results in better reception for devices, as well as fewer dead zones for increased coverage.

Last but definitely not the least, WiFi 6 access points and routers will boast better battery efficiency. Courtesy of the new Target Wake Time (TWT) technology, devices are put on a schedule to receive data, giving them more time to stay engaged in sleep mode. This not only helps to conserve battery life, but also reduces signal congestion and collision, both of which are extremely handy features in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) era, where constant connectivity is the way of life.

Despite being in its early stages, the potential of WiFi 6 proves to be extremely optimistic. The recent launch of its certification program is a great leap toward large-scale adoption, and more parties have started to embrace the new WiFi standard. ASUS is active in that field, rolling out one WiFi 6 device after another, from WiFi routers and notebooks to motherboards and PCs.

Throw into the mix the most complete WiFi 6 router line-up, and the team is more than ready to enter a new age of WiFi. Alongside the above benefits, ASUS' ecosystem will have in store its proprietary technology as well, which will elevate the WiFi 6 experience to greater levels of satisfaction and enjoyment.




Declarație: * Este nevoie de dispozitive compatibile WiFi-6 pentru a beneficia de toate avantajele standardului WiFi 6 (802.11ax). ** Viteza este calculată cu dispozitive WiFi 6 care suportă 160 MHz.. *** Datele se referă la uplink-OFDMA.