UX300 PRO has a subtle design that belies all the great features you need in an input device. It’s fast, with 1000/1600/2400/3200 DPI resolution switching on the fly, plus it comes with five buttons so you can create your own shortcuts and macros. The best part is the great ergonomics that went into its design and the grip it offers. It’s fitted with anti-slip side panels that improve control and a shape that’s conducive to even the longest computing sessions. To top it all off, this is a high-precision mouse, using advanced tracking technology that works amazingly well on any surface, doing away with the need for a mouse pad. Wherever you go, the UX300 Pro is a solid all-round performer.

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Effortless USB 2.0Simple design that works with every PC in total plug and play every time. |
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Ergonomic DesignPerfect fit mouse design goes easy on your hands for total comfort and prolonged use whether productive or sheer entertainment. |
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Precise OpticalQuality lenses and tracking ensure true to form input in every application and on all aurface - no more mouse pad dependence. |
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Accurate 3200 dpiHi-res control never skips a dot, cutting delays, frustration and errors in worry-free computing. |
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Right HandedPinpoint ergonomic design caters to right handed users with absolute comfort and natural responsiveness. |
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ASUS Pen 2.0 jest dostarczany wraz z czterema wymiennymi końcówkami rysika i oferuje rozpoznawanie 4096 poziomów siły nacisku, co umożliwia intuicyjne pisanie i rysowanie w naturalny sposób. Dzięki temu może odwzorowywać nawet najdrobniejsze linie i najszersze pociągnięcia pędzlem.
