ASUS Vivobook Pro 16X OLED (N7600, 11va Gen Intel)

These are the manufacturers of the year 2022!
We are facing two excellent technological proposals in which ASUS has put all the meat on the grill to offer both Vivobook 16X Pro laptops with Intel Core i7-11370H and Ryzen 7 5800H processors plus dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 GPU with 4 GB of VRAM memory.
Videos de reviews
這次ASUS在16X OLED上加入的DialPad的虛擬觸控旋鈕,可以在創作時快速地調整比較細緻的參數,不需要再用滑鼠點擊,搭配Creator Hub可以根據個人習慣設定功能,熟練後在調整參數上或是調整進度條時,也會更加直覺順手。此外Vivobook Pro 16X OLED也提供了一塊表現非常好的4K OLED螢幕,最適合的就是新銳或學生創作者。
【Review】ASUS Vivobook Pro 16X OLED: It's so powerful! I've tried a OLED laptop for creators!
【ASUS BLOWING AWAY】The new laptop with OLED is way too beautiful
Vivobook Pro 14X & 16X OLED - expand your creativity!
Designed by Asus specifically for professional users working on photography and video, this laptop does an excellent job with its Pantone-validated color-calibrated OLED display.
We are here with the VivoBook Pro 16X OLED review video of Asus' compact size, ergonomics and highly portable OLED screen computer.
Reviews en medios

La pantalla OLED es una verdadera maravilla. Honestamente, la primera vez que la vez encendida, te impacta.

Este panel es uno de los mejores para el trabajo creativo

La Vivobook Pro 16X tiene lo necesario para soportar tareas propias de un creador de contenidos

La tonalidad de la laptop ofrece negros profundos, y blancos bien iluminados, sin generar rebotes de luz

在螢幕方面,Vivobook Pro 16X OLED 配備的是超大尺寸的 16:10 16吋 OLED 面板,這在同級筆電當中相當罕見,即使是有也非常昂貴

兩公斤不到給你 16 吋 4K HDR OLED 細膩高畫質大視野的享受!試過一次之後你可以就再也無法接受任何 LCD 螢幕的畫質了!因為它有極高的亮度與對比表現,並且有 0.2ms 疾速反應時間啊!
Opiniones de clientes