ASUS simplifies deployment with streamlined registration through Windows and Google enterprise licensing, ensuring devices are deployment-ready upon arrival. Configuration preferences set up all new ASUS devices for immediate use. Additionally, ASUS offers image deployment services, creating snapshots for efficient deployment across devices. Pre-image services expedite access, deployment, and recovery. ASUS also provides pre-configuration services, customizing BIOS settings, partitioning hard drives, and installing third-party software tailored to organization-specific needs before shipment, reducing IT admin involvement for onsite setup.
Berøringsfri distribusjon
Vi tilbyr både Google zero-touch enrollment (ZTE) og Windows Autopilot-registreringstjenester, slik at du kan si farvel til manuelle problemer med enhetsregistrering.
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Forenklet installasjon
ASUS' pre-image-tjenester akselererer image-distribusjonsprosessen med enkel tilgang, distribusjon og gjenoppretting.
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Enkel konfigurasjon
ASUS' forhåndskonfigurasjonstjenester sørger for at PC-ene leveres på stedet forhåndskonfigurert, slik at IT-administratorer kan realisere berøringsfri distribusjon før konfigurasjon.
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ASUS simplifies IT processes with comprehensive management services. Their driver update management streamlines setup, download, and deployment of required drivers, benefiting IT, system integrators, and value-added resellers. ASUS also offers unified management platforms for remote monitoring and management of systems and facilities. Moreover, their security management services, developed through third-party collaborations, offer versatile solutions to protect businesses and ensure end-user productivity, providing peace of mind.
Vi utnytter global sikkerhetsekspertise for å tilby allsidige løsninger for å beskytte bedrifter og sikre sluttbrukerproduktivitet for trygghet.
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Sentralisert adminstrasjon
Vi tilbyr allsidige, enhetlige administrasjonsplattformer der IT-administratorer enkelt kan overvåke og administrere systemer og anlegg eksternt.
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ASUS 'tjenester for administrasjon av driveroppdateringer er utformet for å forenkle prosessen slik at IT-avdelingen kan konfigurere, laste ned og distribuere nødvendige drivere.
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"We provide comprehensive and value-added support tailored to businesses of all sizes, aiming to maximize efficiency while minimizing IT-management overhead. With our flexible approach, extensive experience, and instant support, you can concentrate on scaling your business to new heights. Our partnership ensures that your investment is maximized at every stage, from deployment to hardware support, complemented by intuitive IT-management software. We stand by you from the initial inquiry through purchase and beyond, empowering your IT team to achieve enhanced productivity and efficiency."
Carbon neutrality is achieving a balance between the emission released throughout the product life cycle and the removal of CO2 from carbon credit. We strive to reduce our product carbon footprint at first, then offset the residual emission by high-quality carbon credit.