AiMesh AC1900 WiFi System (RT-AC67U 2 Pack)
AC1900 Sistema wifi en malla de doble banda para todo el hogar para hogares grandes y de varios pisos, admite configuración SSID flexible, conexiones entre routers por cable, seguridad de red AiProtection Pro con tecnología Trend Micro y Adaptive QoS
- Olvídate de las zonas muertas de Wi-Fi: El sistema Wi-Fi de malla AC1900 de doble banda ofrece una potente conexión Wi-Fi a cada rincón de tu hogar.
- Nombres de redes flexibles: Crea un solo SSID para toda la red o SSID separados para cada banda de frecuencia.
- Rico en funciones: Completa la funcionalidad del router con servicios como VPN, QoS adaptable y más.
- Conexiones entre routers por cable: Crea una conexión por cable opcional entre routers para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida y estable.
- Seguridad de red completa para la familia: El sistema WiFi AiMesh AC1900 protege todos los dispositivos conectados de las amenazas cibernéticas y los controles parentales avanzados filtran el contenido inapropiado para tu familia.


"The Asus RT-AX88U is the best choice for a higher end router. It features next generation Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology, and an impressive eight Gigabit Ethernet ports, which even supports link aggregation. Backing this up is the usual excellent AsusWRT interface, which allows granular control of every imaginable setting. "

"One of the fastest routers we've tested, the Asus ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers lots of gamer-friendly features, copious I/O ports, and a slick management console that lets you optimize your network for lag-free gaming."

"The Asus RT-AC86U is a fast AC2900 dual band router that's equipped with the latest networking technology and is loaded with gamer optimization and network protection features."

The ExpertWiFi may look like a conventional mesh Wi-Fi system. But its business-class app provides versatile networking features ideal for many small-to-medium businesses and public venues such as restaurants and hotels.

The ExpertWiFi may look like a conventional mesh Wi-Fi system. But its business-class app provides versatile networking features ideal for many small-to-medium businesses and public venues such as restaurants and hotels.

That also gives it a theoretical bandwidth between the two nodes of something like 4800 megabit, which is really super fast, almost 5 gigabit. That gives it a very high position.
Dalam sesi LIVE ini kita akan buat comprehensive testing bagi produk rangkaian enterprise terbaru keluaran ASUS iaitu ASUS ExpertWiFi EBM68 dan dalam waktu yang sama kita akan sama-sama bincangkan isu-isu rangkaian semasa yang menarik seperti masalah Internet, 5G, WiFi dll.
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Reviews en medios

How ASUS ExpertWiFi is Staying Ahead of the Competition

...compared to the AC competition, it regularly achieves the highest speeds and performance is also impressive in the graphs of the averages.

In the hands of Gaming Router Asus Rog Rapture GT-AX6000

Review ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AXE16000-The most outstanding gaming router-Router Wi-Fi 6E 4 First band in the world

The features needed for children to use the Internet better.

What is the special feature "Wifi router" on ASUS Wifi 6 router is what is special that every technology people want?
La Mejor Marca de Routers de los Excellence Awards.
“Con AiMesh te beneficias de todas las ventajas propias de las redes malladas sin tener que cambiar el router que ya tienes”. – HARDWARE.INFO
Readers' Choice, ¡6 años consecutivos! (2012-2017)
"ASUS es la marca más recomendada por nuestros lectores. Los usuarios están encantados con su sencillez de uso y fiabilidad". – PC Magazine
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