뛰어난 가성비 자랑하는 라이젠 메인보드 'ASUS PRIME B550M-A 대원CTS AMD B550 칩셋을 탑재한 'ASUS PRIME B550M-A 대원CTS'는 마이크로 ATX 타입임에도 불구하고, 폭넓은 확장성과 짜임새 있는 레이아웃을 적용해 보급형부터 고사양의 라이젠 프로세서도 문제 없이 구동할 수 있는 제품으로 가격대비 성능 면에서 높은 인기를 얻고 있다.
The 2023 Readers’ Choice Award for Best Motherboard Brand goes to…ASUS. Not only has the brand been a favourite of our readers year-on-year, but this year’s results have been their highest in the last decade, surpassing their previous high of 62% in 2020’s Awards.
Can anyone beat ASUS in the PC DIY scene?
ASUS is highly regarded for quality components as well; its motherboards often the choice of enthusiasts, overclockers and gamers for their durability and performance.
With a commanding 62% share of the votes, ASUS is once again the winner of this Readers’ Choice category.
비디오 리뷰
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Experience ultimate gaming with Galaxy eSports Center and ASUS
ASUS announced that Vien Son Technology Company Limited (MicroStar) is the official distributor of motherboards and graphics cards.
Experience the Ultimate Configuration from ASUS at the Galaxy E-Sports Center
ASUS Vietnam authorized the distribution of motherboards and graphics cards for Vien Son