It doesn’t look like anyone is breaking this streak for ASUS anytime soon, as they are once again your chosen Best Graphics Card Brand for 2023, 14 years in a row.
It’s always a one-two combo for ASUS in the PC components space as the brand has successfully entrenched itself into the Singaporean psyche. So, it’s really no surprise that ASUS is once again voted Best Graphics Card Brand. This is a 13-year streak, and if they continue pushing the boundaries of performance that gamers crave for, they have nothing to worry about.
For 12 years in a row, you’ve voted in ASUS as the Best Graphics Card Brand in our Readers’ Choice category.
Vendor of the Year 2023
EHA 2023 Reader Awards
비디오 리뷰
Bagaimana Cara Ikutan Boost My Pc? udah di jelasin lengkap di Video Episode1 ( PENTING )
Akhirnya video yang kalian tunggu udah tiba nih bro. Setelah kalian udah lihat video dari @Sekilas IT , kali ini kita akan tunjukin semua komponen yang bakal didapetin pemenang, proses rakit termasuk sedikit tweaking yang enggak ribet buat hasil performa yang jauh lebih efektif. Next, kalian bisa lihat video selanjutnya di @Sebelas Hardware buat nunjukin real performanya!!
Inilah Performa PC Rakitan ManTUF dari ASUS Boost My PC!
Selamat Kepada pemenang Event Boost My Pc semoga kita semua mendapatkan berkah yang lebih baik lagi dengan terlaksana nya event ini. jangan menyerah semua mimpi dan cita2 kalian bisa terlaksana,jika kalian mau berjuang,berusaha dan berdoa.
GVN Vlog Technology: PC Asus at Computex 2023?
매체사 리뷰
Award: Corporate - Manufacturer of the Year
The winners - Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce RTX 2070
Hands on the SSD TUF GAMING A1 - Reliability, water resistant
In the hands of the Gaming A1 - The best box Hard Drive SSD
In the hands of the SSD TUF GAMING A1 box - Durable, fast, and water resistance
Asus revealed the graphics card model without additional power cord, using only a 'small but martial slot to supply electricity
Asus shows the exclusive new GPU power port at Computex 2023