TUF Gaming GT502

TUF Gaming GT502 won the 2023 Red Dot Product Design Award, a world-renowned design award.

A high-quality case with compact carrying handles, plenty of space and excellent construction. The possibility to install up to 13 fans is very impressive.

Vendor of the year 2019 in the categories: Motherboards, graphic cards, monitors, chassis and Mini-PCs

Let's say it right away, this TUF GT502 is excellent. It offers a very good chassis and it doesn't lack any accessories, except maybe fans, but in this type of case, you like to choose your fans so... [...] We also like the handles on top and the little grey touches here and there.

For fans of all-white cases, the ASUS TUF Gaming is made for you! It's simply superb. [...] you can see that ASUS has worked hard to create a case with a subtle and original design. The grey straps are also there to support this particular originality.
The TUF Gaming GT502 pleasantly surprised me.
スタンミと作ったTUF GAMING PCを紹介しながら使ってみた
【自作PC】強すぎる白いゲーミングPC作る! RTX4080 + 13900K ROG TUF APEX 240fps【初心者向け 組み立て解説付き】
【自作PC】30万円台で組む黒い本格ゲーミングPC RTX4070Ti 13700K Z790【TUF GAMING】
【TUF GAMING】自作ゲーミングPCを解説しながら組み立てと性能テスト TUF RTX4070Ti 13700K【APEX 240fps】




自作PCも“タフ”でなければ生きていけない!? 高耐久が自慢のASUS“TUF”シリーズで固めた2023年型高性能PCを作る


The ASUS TUF Gaming GT502 is a case for tinkerers, who will spend some time making sure that their fans are mounted in ideal positions and utilise hardware that works to the strength of this dual-chambered chassis.