

The 2023 Readers’ Choice Award for Best Motherboard Brand goes to…ASUS. Not only has the brand been a favourite of our readers year-on-year, but this year’s results have been their highest in the last decade, surpassing their previous high of 62% in 2020’s Awards.

Can anyone beat ASUS in the PC DIY scene?

ASUS is highly regarded for quality components as well; its motherboards often the choice of enthusiasts, overclockers and gamers for their durability and performance.

With a commanding 62% share of the votes, ASUS is once again the winner of this Readers’ Choice category.

EHA Reader Awards 2024
These are the winners!
Video Recensioni
ASUS ProArt Showcase (Monitors and Motherboards)
For Creators, the triple GPU support plus Quad M.2 support is nice to have it is clearly targeted at a more professional audience, as the name implies.
…a board aimed at creatives, where they combine both 10 gigabit Ethernet and Thunderbolt 4 on one board. So if you want both, that's the motherboard to go for.
Australian PC Awards 2021
Admire the beauty of PC 70 million-nova i4070ti bl #shorts s
Recensioni dei media

La realizzazione del nostro sistema è stata per noi appassionati divertente, ma possiamo comprendere che non tutti siano disposti a investire il loro tempo oppure impegnarsi in un'operazione che richiede competenza tecnica. Chi desidera comunque avere una workstation ProArt può fare affidamento su "Powered by ASUS", un programma globale che conta partner selezionati in grado di offrire le migliori soluzioni personalizzate. Attingendo alla gamma di componenti ASUS, i partner possono creare un pc

Ecco la gamma di motherboard ASUS Z590, dove troviamo un modello per ogni tasca e necessità.

ASUS offre un set di tecnologie basate sull'IA volte non solo a migliorare i suoi prodotti, ma anche a semplificare la vita ai consumatori.

這片採用 Intel 最新 Z690 LGA 1700 ATX 主機板的設計專為創作者們而生!搭載最新最快的 PCIe 5.0, DDR5 記憶體, Thunderbolt 4, 10 Gb 和 2.5 Gb Ethernet,無線 WiFi 6E, 四個 PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots (配置散熱器)前置 USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 加上 Quick Charge 4+ 技術!雙顯卡輸出和內建 HDMI & Display Port 顯示輸出可以讓你連接 10 台以上顯示裝置!

當需求只是運作穩定、性能發揮良好,又想同時擁有 Thunderbolt、10Gbps 乙太網路,那麼 ProArt Z690-Creator WiFi 是頗經濟實惠

ASUS ProArt Z690-CREATOR WiFi 是一張為創作者設計的主機板,沒有太多花俏的元素,整體設計簡潔舒適。除了外觀上的不同,其硬體規格如:10G + 2.5G 雙網卡、2x ThunderBolt 4、WiFi 6E、4x PCI-E Gen4 M.2 Slots 等規格對於創作者來說也是相當的豪華。
Recensioni degli utenti