ASUS Zenfone Selfie è sicuramente lo smartphone migliore in commercio per i selfie
Fotocamera frontale da 13MP
Il punto di forza è il processore opta-core
"decent performance
ver good cameras at daylight
good battery life time
interchangeable battery
memeory extension via microSD
useful software extension"
Asus boosts 2015 on the market of the telephony with his Zenfone 2, declined not less than 6 versions. The ZE551ML is this day the standard bearer there. Zenfone Selfie is an almost corresponding copy of the latter and is also successful, with a sensor of 13 Mpx in front in more.
ZenFone Selfie 擁有強悍的相機實力,無論軟硬體的組合都是一時之選,加上對商務人士來說相當受惠的雙卡雙待機能,順暢的八核心處理器及最大3GB的記憶體,搭配6千出頭的空機價格,的確非常有競爭力,也值得推薦。
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