ZenBeam Latte L1
ASUS ZenBeam Latte L1 Portable LED Projector – 300 Lumens, 720p, Sound by Harman Kardon, 10 W Bluetooth® Speaker, 3-hour Video Playback, Wireless Projection, Built-in Battery, USB Type-A, HDMI®
- Up to 300 LED lumens output and 720p native resolution
- Short-throw lens projects a 40” image from a distance of 1 meter and up to a 120” image at 3.2 meters
- Connectivity features include wireless mirroring for mobile devices, HDMI®, USB Type-A and earphone output jack
- Built-in 6000 mAh battery provides 3 hours of video projection or 12 hours of audio playback
- 10 W Bluetooth® stereo speaker with sound by Harman Kardon, and three audio modes
- Unique coffee-mug-shaped design with a fabric aesthetic

What’s great about the Latte is its portability. At 585g, it’s like holding a small Thermos flask. Its fabric finish should also blend well into most homes.

ASUS ZenBeam Latte is a unique award winning projector that comes with 720p resolution with 300 lumens

ASUS ZenBeam Latte is a unique award winning projector that comes with 720p resolution with 300 lumens, it can project up to 120″ and with a 3 hour video playback hours on battery.

Basically, the ASUS ZenBeam Latte L1 does what it is supposed to or what you can expect from it. It is a stylish mini projector that you can take with you everywhere.

The winner of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021

ASUS ZenBeam Latte L1 won the iF Design Award 2021, a world-renowned design award.
Video reviews
租屋族也可以用『 ZenBeam Latte L1 』打造小小家庭電影院
但我家的電視很大 要來嗎?
#20【New Year's Day】A large family of 15 people renting out a whole house for a sleepover!
Try camping in an empty, enclosed area...
[Trial] Your father can tell the difference between my face and my sister's, right?
The ZenBeam Latte L1 mobile projector is a stylish, battery-powered projector that can be used anywhere!
The portable projector was a great solution for home and outside [ASUS ZenBeam Latte L1].
Media reviews

The ZenBeam Latte L1’s brightness is rated at 300 LED lumens, which is great for meeting rooms and cafes. The device throws a 40-inch image from 1m away or an 120-inch image from 3.2m away. Even when I place the projector next to a window, the text on the screen is still quite legible.

If we stick to portable projectors weighing less than a kilo, this Asus will not disappoint.

看影片、追劇就是要大畫面、震撼的音效才會更有 Fu,更能融入情境裡面,猶如進入電影院的影音衝擊,在家翹腳就能輕鬆享受 120吋大畫面的樂趣。對了,有別於多數投影機,ZenBeam Latte投射出來的畫面,實測到了 90吋細膩度還是非常的高,120吋的話建議要比較遠的距離觀賞較ok,雖然解析度只有 720P,但畢竟它的訴求點是多用途而非專業劇院,讓用家隨時隨地能投射出適當的畫面來追劇、看電影、玩遊戲、投射簡報檔案..。跟同類型商品比的畫,其畫質也超越許多同價位的微型投影機,而且就算近距離與沒有關燈的環境下觀賞投影畫面也是很 OK喔!

在市場上眾多微型投影機產品中,ASUS ZenBeam Latte 的設計無疑是相當吸引人的一款,在小巧的直立圓柱形機身設計內,設置了投影機結構、10 W 揚聲器、3 小時續航力電池,加上華碩一貫在外型設計上的水準,包括織布外表包覆、按鍵設計、介面配置等,ZenBeam Latte 在外型上的確相當有質感。另外1.3 公斤的重量在攜帶性上也是大大加分。

華碩微型投影機 ASUS Zenbeam Latte’拿鐵小小一台,有如易開罐般的大小,在3.2 公尺距離上投射 120 吋的電影級畫面,內建喇叭影音合一,更支援Android / iPhone 手機即時投影、HDMI輸入,疫情間在家工作WFH、在家學習的你,也能瞬間擁有電影級的影音娛樂。

一款輕巧的微型投影機,同時兼具優秀的影像表現,以及不錯聲音效果,使得ASUS ASUS Zenbeam Latte L1 確實可以滿足多數人對於影音器材的期望。首先是宛若咖啡杯造型以及尺寸的機身,以及內建6000mAh 容量電池,除了美觀、易攜之外,能最長投影三小時,以及幫手機充電的特性,讓ASUS Zenbeam Latte L1 的功能性更豐富。