NUC 是新一代運算單元,可為所有人和包含電競和商務等各種情況提供非凡效能、豐富 I/O、高階顯示晶片功能和時尚設計。
NUC 迷你電腦、筆記型電腦與元件給您工具實現創新設計,從商務生產力,到視覺解決方案和極致電競。專為各種工作負載打造,提供可信賴的品質與可靠性,讓您擴充您獨一無二的商業產品與服務。
NUC 解決方案
打造您自己的迷你電競電腦,無須在效能上妥協。NUC 迷你電腦與套件提供您構件,讓您打造出完全符合所需的系統。根據您所想要的功能,在我們的系列產品中選擇,好比適合的 Inte® Core™ 處理器、獨立顯示晶片和相容的附加元件。
NUC 幾乎可在任何地方發揮運算效能,無論是繪圖密集型工作站、協作中樞,或是廠房的嵌入式機器。無論您需要的是外型規格小巧、立即可用的商務電腦,或是更堅固耐用的工業和物聯網元件,NUC 都能提供您的企業所需的解決方案。
NUC 專業和堅固系列產品可支援各種用途,從單一螢幕到多面板顯示牆皆適用。進一步探索我們的多種外型規格,並選擇適合您企業的產品。無論您需要的是迷你電腦、套件或 NUC 元件,我們有各種解決方案能滿足您的數位招牌需求。
NUC 是什麼?
它不僅僅是 4x4 的迷你電腦;它是豐富的裝置、套件與元件組合,可讓您打造出完全符合需求的系統。
- On July 18, 2023, Intel and ASUS announced that they had agreed on a term sheet for a non-exclusive license for ASUS to manufacture, sell, and support 10th to 13th Gen NUC systems. ASUS will be responsible for NUC sales distribution for 10th to 13th Gen NUC systems. For 13th Gen NUC and future generations, ASUS will select and create new ASUS NUC SKUs.
- The SKUs listed may not cover all SKUs and all specifications are subject to change without notice. Please check with your supplier for exact offers. Products may not be available in all markets.
- Products certified by the Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada will be distributed in the United States and Canada. Please visit the ASUS USA and ASUS Canada websites for information about locally available products.
- Specifications and features vary by model, and all images are illustrative. Please refer to product specification pages for full details.
- PCB color and bundled software versions are subject to change without notice.
- Brand and product names mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies.
- The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI trade dress, and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
- Price may not include extra fees, including tax, shipping, handling, and recycling.
- For pricing information, ASUS is only entitled to set a recommended resale price. All resellers are free to set their own prices.