對習慣使用筆電的用家,PA279CRV 的 USB-C 顯示輸入接口,會支援 PD96W 輸出,只要使用合適的 USB-C 線(建議使用支援 Thunderbolt 4 / USB-4 標準的線材)就能輸出 4K@60Hz 的 HDR 畫面,而且在使用的同時亦能為筆電充電,對於需要要拿著電腦開會,出外工作的朋友,是很方便的功能。不過可惜的是屏幕沒有網絡線埠,不然使用上會更方便。
今次為大家介紹的 ProArt Display PA279CRV 屬於整個 ASUS ProArt Display 系列中的中階型號,搭載了 4K 60Hz IPS 液晶面板搭配廣色域 WLED 側入式背光模式,單看規格確實不怎麼樣「專業」。但真正的創作者就會知道一隻專業顯示器最值錢的部分反而是建立在它的色準、連接性及功能性上。PA279CRV 不但擁有優秀的色彩精準度及屏幕均勻度,而且考慮到不少 Creator 都會以 Apple Macbook 進行創作,就特別設有一組支援 96W PD 快速充電的 USB-C 顯示輸入接口,並加入 4 Port USB 3.2 Hubs 彌補包括 Macbook 在內的一眾輕薄手提電腦為人詬病的連接性不足的問題,配合實用的創作者輔助功能,有專業創作需求的讀者值得考慮。
在屏幕上設有校色器,確實是一件新鮮事,能幫助用家調校顏色,設計意念非常好。 PA32DC 在顏色方面絕對應付到各方面的用家,而且配有多個顏色設定檔,無論是相片後期、電影電視製作,或者純屬用作監視,通通都非常適合。尤其在黑位和細緻度方面,表現不俗,即使是歌手的髮絲亦可數到出來,而且和服的紋理分明。
"It's been argued that even pro gamers can't perceive or really benefit from numbers above 240 Hz. But even if that’s the case, we’re happy to see any instance of engineers pushing performance into the realm of unnecessary. Pricing and an on-sale date still to come."
A 4K monitor at an affordable price
A video editing monitor that won't break the bank
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Now my feel of this monitor itself is very vibrant the colors are very vibrant the uh tone and everything it suits my taste.
Given the opportunity from Asus Singapore, I had a great time with the Asus ProArt System. The overall performance of this system is more than satisfying (I have plug my 7950X instead of using the default 7900X3D) and the cooling is superb. What caught my attention is the ProArt PA602 Chassis and will like to share my experience with you.
My favourite monitor for editing, colour grading and photo editing! Asus ProArt PA279CRV
My NEW PC is a MONSTER 🤯 Introducing my 2024 Setup: new Julien Chièze ProArt PC
We're building the PERFECT SETUP for CREATORS!
We're building my dream MacBook setup
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