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Asus décide de ne laisser aucune chance à la concurrence sur le marché des cartes graphiques ultra haut de gamme en présentant sa Matrix GTX 980 Ti ROG.

Il s'agit d'une excellente carte qui propose un overclocking particulièrement intéressant en sortie de boîte et un fonctionnement tout sauf bruyant.

Given the fact that a video card of this caliber is currently priced under its MSRP, and at much better pricing than the MSI LIGHTNING the ASUS MATRIX 980 Ti Platinum is clearly the better deal. It provides a similar amount of performance overclocked, for a much lower price, at least for now. The price could jump, and if it does it puts both video cards into a price range neither have any business of occupying. In terms of performance, design, quality and pricing the ASUS GTX 980 Ti MATRIX Platinum is easily worthy of our [H] Editor's Choice Gold Award

“Leading the way with the MATRIX GTX 980Ti PLATINUM, ASUS has confidently designed and produced a masterpiece. This custom cooled, pre-clocked beast improves on NVIDIA’s efforts in the reference card and makes a mockery of AMD’s Fury lineup.”

The ASUS ROG GTX980Ti Matrix is the cream of the Maxwell crop. Blazing performance, outstanding thermals, excellent software and, logo lighting aside, it really looks the business too. Gold.

The ultimate gamers wet dream? The Asus ROG Matrix GTX 980Ti Platinum Edition is one of the finest graphics cards we have ever tested.
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