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PC Gaming PowerLab Powered by ASUS, un concentré de puissance, présentation
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Ce PC PowerLab Powered by ASUS (Ryzen 7 7700X et Radeon RX 6800 XT) est un ordinateur gaming puissant. [...] L’ensemble profite d’un éclairage aRGB personnalisable permettant d’illuminer sa configuration visible en latéral au travers d’un large panneau en verre trempé. [...] Nous avons une belle mécanique pour répondre aux besoins des joueurs exigeants en 1080p et 1440p, sans oublier le 2160p en 60 fps.
To accommodate the best processor and GPU you must be needing a good motherboard and what else could be the best than the Asus TUF Gaming X570-Plus. | Asus Tuf Gaming Case GT 501 is the full tower gaming CPU cabinet which looks gorgeous and anyone can fall in love with the cabinet.
這次ASUS推出TUF Gaming GT501軍戎白機殼,打破一般白色機殼圓潤、簡約的刻板印象,多邊形的稜角造型,也為白色創造出冷冽的視覺效果。在硬體的搭配上,使用華碩推出的一系列白色系產品,和其他相關的白色周邊零件,便能打造出有著強悍視覺衝擊的白色主機,在一眾黑暗勢力中脫穎而出,成為如夜空中最閃耀的那一顆新星!
Building our system was fun for us enthusiasts, but we can understand that not everyone is willing to invest their time or commit to something that requires technical expertise. However, those who would still like to have a ProArt workstation can rely on 'Powered by ASUS', a global programme with selected partners offering the best customised solutions. Drawing on ASUS' extensive range of components, partners can create a PC tailored to meet the most diverse needs of each individual user
We recently saw how to make an 'ASUS ProArt PC', but the Taiwanese company's range designed for creators and professionals is particularly rich and also includes several AMD motherboards, thanks to which very powerful workstations can be realised by relying on the US designer's CPUs with many cores and threads.
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