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    • Manual
    • EMI et sécurité
    Version J15097a
    20.92 MB
    ZS630KL Japanese Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version BP15097
    20.41 MB
    ZS630KL Brazil-Portuguese Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version DA15097
    21.44 MB
    ZS630KL Danish Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version FI15097
    21.41 MB
    ZS630KL Finnish Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version HUG15097
    21.47 MB
    ZS630KL Hungarian Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version ID15097
    21.43 MB
    ZS630KL Indonesian Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version S15097
    21.49 MB
    ZS630KL Spanish Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version SW15097
    20.42 MB
    ZS630KL Swedish Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version PG15097
    21.61 MB
    ZS630KL Portuguese Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version G15097
    20.41 MB
    ZS630KL German Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version PL15097
    21.31 MB
    ZS630KL Polish Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version CZ15097
    20.46 MB
    ZS630KL Czech Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version F15097
    10.74 MB
    ZS630KL French Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version I15097
    20.67 MB
    ZS630KL Italian Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version R15097
    20.46 MB
    ZS630KL Russian Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    Version E15097
    6.57 MB
    ZS630KL English Version E-manual
    The screenshot pictures in this manual may be different between different firmware versions.
    Content availability varies by country and coverage areas and is subject to change.
    All specifications are subject to change without notice.
    • Le prix ASUS Store affiché est donné à titre indicatif et dépend des options sélectionnées et disponibles. Veuillez noter que les caractéristiques du produit et les accessoires présentés peuvent varier selon la configuration choisie à l’étape suivante et l’état des stocks.
    • Les produits certifiés par la Federal Communications Commission et Industry Canada seront commercialisés aux États-Unis et au Canada. Pour plus d'informations sur les produits disponibles, veuillez consulter les sites ASUS USA et ASUS Canada.
    • Toutes les caractéristiques sont sujettes à modification sans préavis. Veuillez consulter votre revendeur pour connaître les détails de l'offre. La disponibilité des produits peut varier selon le marché.
    • Les caractéristiques et les fonctionnalités peuvent varier selon le modèle. Images non contractuelles. Veuillez consulter la fiche des caractéristiques techniques pour en savoir plus.
    • Les couleurs et la version des logiciels fournis sujettes à modification sans préavis.
    • Les marques et les noms de produits mentionnés sont des marques déposées de leurs entreprises respectives.
    • Les termes HDMI, interface multimédia haute définition HDMI et habillage commercial HDMI, et les logos HDMI sont des marques commerciales et des marques déposées de HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.