ExpertBook B9 B9400

These are the manufacturers of the year 2022!

With the ExpertBook B7 Flip, Asus delivers a well-rounded 2-in-1 notebook from the premium business segment.

No. 1 in Gaming: Graphic Cards, Motherboards, Monitors, Laptops

The Asus ExpertBook B1 B1500 is stable, light and well suited for everyday office tasks.

Compact and durable convertible ideal for university, office and sofa

The Asus Expertbook is light as a feather, portable and therefore extremely mobile. The display also increases the potential outdoor use with more brightness. In addition, this year's model also performs significantly better than its predecessor due to Tiger Lake, but it gets a bit hotter and louder in return.
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輕薄的特色下又能兼具高效能,再加上許多為商務人士帶來的貼心設計,例如最高32GB記憶體、雙SSD設計、實體鏡頭蓋、指紋辨識、完整 I/O port 、獨家強化結構設計等等,是一台適合高端商務人士的筆電
ASUS Expert Series. Taiwan NO.1.
“This upgraded ExpertBook B9 14” display is designed for the business person. It is beautiful, good for mobility, and comes with great performance and security.”
This ExpertBook is only 1KG but comes with strong performance with 11th Gen Intel Core i7 and Iris Xe graphic certified by Intel EVO Platform. Though it is a very thin notebook, we can assured that this is durable guaranteed by US military standard
“This ExpertBook B9400 2021 edition is the right choice for business person with the thin and light feature only 1KG certified by EVO platform“

"The ASUS ExpertBook B9 laptop can take a beating for your business."

The Ultrabook for workaholics. The Asus ExpertBook B9450 sets new standards especially in terms of battery life in the test.

All in all, the ExpertBook B9400 is a surprisingly light, easy to carry around, and offers a surprisingly wide range of uses thanks to its hinge.

The Asus ExpertBook B9 is what you are looking for if you want a workmate that shines in autonomy and featherweight

繼承 ASUS ExpertBook B9 系列的一貫優點:效能更好、速度更快、更加省電,更是全面升級搭載了全新 「Intel Evo」平台,效能大躍進!

只有 ExpertBook 才能打敗 ExpertBook!全球最輕 14 吋商務筆電再加強!搭載 11 代 Intel 處理器與 EVO 認證,更疾速、更高效!