ASUS Zenbook DUO (2024) UX8406
The Asus Zenbook Duo 2024 is the first device to really nail its dual-screen concept from start to finish. It's as easy to use as it is comfortable, and nothing is left to chance to ensure that users' expectations are met.
With its two screens, the Asus Zenbook Duo (2024) is for us one of the best laptops for those looking for maximum productivity in a minimum footprint. And on top of that, the Asus Zenbook Duo (2024) comes at a decent price, and we're no longer paying the price of novelty.
... by focusing on the pragmatic aspect of daily use, pleasure and simplicity, the Asus Zenbook Duo 2024 allows us to truly consider such a PC. ... to have succeeded in offering such a well-finished product based on an original concept, and providing it with excellent autonomy and very good power, we can't help but take our hats off to it.
... the Asus Zenbook Duo combines the convenience of a laptop with the productivity of a dual-screen configuration for desktop use. On top of that, its selling price doesn't seem so high compared with the competition.
Its proposition - two superimposed OLED screens - is effective. It's immediately useful, and you don't need to learn how to use the device to get the most out of it. Impressive when its two OLED screens are deployed, as practical as it is relevant in "classic" laptop format, the machine also seduces with its overall performance, its autonomy (not as anemic as one might have thought), and its varied connectivity.
Is it really worth having two screens? The answer is yes. If you're used to having a dual-screen setup in your office or home, you know how comfortable it is. Asus has found a way to make this useful in terms of portability, without having to carry multiple devices. In this sense, the Zenbook Duo is the perfect answer.
فيدوهات المراجعة
أكثر ما أعجبني هنا هو التوافق بين السوفت وير و فكرة الشاشتين.
هذا الجهاز سيغير مستقبل اللاب توب.
شاشتين كاملتين قابلتين للاستخدام بشكل مثالي من نوع OLED.
الجهاز يمنحنك حقًا حرية استخدام اللاب توب بعدة طرق مختلفة.
يحتوي على شاشتين OLED ممتازتين بدقة وسطوع وألوان مذهلة، إلى جانب لوحة مفاتيح قابله للفصل... أعلي مستوي من الإنتاجية ستحصل عليها من هذا الكمبيوتر المحمول.
Considering the dual screen laptops we've seen in the past, has had a shocking amount of thought put into it.
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