ASUS Vivobook S 15 OLED (K5504)

ASUS Vivobook S 15 OLED
أينما تأخذك الإمكانات.
أطلق العنان للإمكانات مع Vivobook S 15 ، الكمبيوتر المحمول الرائع للمدرسة أو العمل أو الترفيه. بفضل القوة الهائلة لمعالج Intel Core i9 H-series من الجيل الثالث عشر وذاكرة SSD عالية السعة 1 تيرابايت، تصبح أي مهمة سهلة كالعمل أو اللعب في أي مكان وفي أي وقت؛ وسيظهر كل شيء بأفضل حالاته على الشاشة الرائدة عالميًا مقاس 15.6 بوصة 2.8 K 120 هرتز! التصميم الجديد فائق الأناقة بألوانه الرائعة سيظهر شخصيتك للعالم. تصفح أكثر وأسرع مع Vivobook S 15!
ASUS رقم1: جمعت كلا من شركة جي إف كاي وشركة إن بي دي بيانات التجزئة لسنة 2021 وسنة 2022 في السوق العالمية.
شاشة رائدة عالميا مقاس 15.6 بوصة بدقة 2.8K ومعدل تحديث 120 هرتز.
نسبة العرض إلى الارتفاع 16: 9، دقة 2880 × 1620، نانو إيدج ثلاثي الجوانب 86٪ نسبة الشاشة إلى الجسم، ومع وقت استجابة 0.2 مللي ثانية، نطاق ألوان 100٪ دي سي إل بي3، تم التأكد من صلاحيته بواسطة PANTONE ومتوسط دلتا إي
Windows 11 Pro
ما يصل إلى
Intel® Core™ i9-13900H
13th Gen processor
ما يصل إلى
Intel® Arc™ A350M
تكنولوجيا ASUS IceCool الحرارية
يسمح بأداء يصل إلى 45 واط لوحدة المعالجة المركزية
مفصلة 180 درجة
للاستخدامات المتنوعة
99٪ تثبيط بكتيري
مع غطاء ASUS المضاد للميكروبات 8
لوحة مفاتيح ASUS ErgoSense
للحصول على أفضل تجربة كتابة
غطاء معدني
تصميم الجسم
متانة من الدرجة العسكرية
810H معيار9
تقليل التشويش الرقمي عن طريق كاميرا ويب بدقة FHD
لمكالمة فيديو واضحة
مستشعر ضوء الألوان التكيفي
للسطوع التلقائي
مكبر صوت ذكي
للحصول على صوت خالٍ من التشويش
Dolby Atmos®
لتجربة صوتية متعددة الأبعاد
طفرة متميزة في الأداء
بفضل الأداء الثوري المتقدم، تتيح معالجات Intel Core من الجيل الثالث عشر وذاكرة الوصول العشوائي التي تصل سعتها إلى 16 جيجابايت و 4800 ميجاهرتز البث السلس والعمل والترفيه الممتع، مما يوفر كل الطاقة التي تحتاجها.
Vivobook S 15 هو كمبيوتر محمول معتمد من قبل Intel Evo ، مما يضمن أنه يحتوي على جميع الميزات التي تجعل كل شيء أسهل بكثير: الشحن السريع ، بطارية تدوم طوال اليوم، والاتصال فائق السرعة، والاستيقاظ الفوري، فضلاً عن الأداء المذهل، كل ذلك في شكل سهل الحمل للغاية. يساعدك Vivobook S 15 على متابعة حياتك اليومية.
Windows 11 Pro
ASUS IceCool
التكنولوجيا الحرارية
ما يصل إلى
Core™ i9-13900H
13th Gen Intel® CPU
ما يصل إلى
Intel® Arc™ A350M
ما يصل إلى
16 GB
وحدة المعالجة المركزية
أطلق العنان لقوتك
ستحب Vivobook S 15 إذا كنت بحاجة إلى إنتاجية فائقة. يجعل معالج Intel Core i9 من الجيل الثالث عشر السريع للغاية كل المهام أسهل، سواء كانت البث أو التصفح أو التحرير أو الدردشة المرئية أو مجرد الاهتمام بالأعمال. يمكن ل Vivobook S 15 في وضع الأداء يعزز طاقة وحدة المعالجة المركزية إلى TDP بقوة 45 واط، إلى جانب تقنية Intel Turbo Boost لتعزيز معدلات الإطارات لأقصى تحمل. إنه مصمم لمواكبة احتياجاتك!
ما يصل إلى
14 نواة
للمهام المتعددة
ما يصل إلى
Intel® Core™ i9-13900H
13th gen processor
ما يصل إلى
5.4 جيجا هرتز
تعزيز الأداء
ابق باردا، كن هادئا.
لا تقلق بشأن الحرارة: تعني تقنية ASUS IceCool الحرارية أن Vivobook S 15 يحافظ دائما على برودته، مع أنابيب حرارية مطورة مقاس 8 مم و6 مم ومروحة IceBlade تعمل على تسريع نقل الحرارة بكفاءة. تتميز المروحة والمكره المكونة من 87 شفرة بأنها أخف وزنا وأرق من المراوح العادية، فضلا عن اهتزازها الأقل، بحيث يمكن تشغيل Vivobook بشكل مريح بسرعة تصل إلى 45 واط TDP وبدون اختناق!
ASUS IceCool
التكنولوجيا الحرارية
اثنان من
أنابيب الحرارة16
بوليمر بلوري سائل
< 38 dBA
الضوضاء في الوضع القياسي
ملك الترفيه
نحن لا نتباهى عندما نقول أن Vivobook S 15 هو أحد أفضل خيارات الكمبيوتر المحمول لتصفح Netflix أو YouTube أو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. مع شاشة NanoEdge 16: 9 2.8K 120 هرتز على Vivobook S 15، يمكنك أن تدلل عينيك بتجربة بصرية فائقة، تتميز هذه الأعجوبة ذات الرؤية الواسعة التي تبلغ 600 شمعة في المتر المربع بتفاصيل فائقة الوضوح، ونسبة شاشة إلى هيكل واسعة تبلغ 86٪ ومجموعة ألوان DCI-P3 بنسبة 100٪ للحصول على ألوان زاهية للغاية. كما أنها معتمدة من PANTONE ومعتمدة من VESA DisplayHDR True Black 600 لضمان أعلى دقة ألوان وأعمق درجة ممكنة من اللون الأسود لكل صورة، بالإضافة إلى شهادة SGS وTÜV Rheinland لانبعاثات الضوء الأزرق المنخفضة لحماية عينيك أثناء الجلسات الطويلة. سواء كان ذلك للعمل أو اللعب أو الترفيه، فإن Vivobook S 15 يقدم كل شيء!
تعرف على المزيد حول شاشة ASUS Lumina
شاشات مبهجة
اجعل المشاهد تنبض بالحياة بألوان احترافية.
وضوح حركة رائد بمعدل 120 هرتز
المزيد من الإطارات في الثانية ، لذا فإن المرئيات سريعة الحركة أكثر سلاسة ووضوحا من أي وقت مضى.
اجعلها شخصية، ASUS Splendid.
ألوان قابلة للتخصيص بالكامل مع sRGB ، و DCI-P3 ، و Display-P3 ،
إلى جانب الخيارات الأصلية.
شاهد ألوانك الحقيقية
عبر عن نفسك مع Vivobook! أظهر بيانك بهذه الألوان الأربعة الجديدة، عندما يمكن لكل منها أن يمثل شخصيتك الجريئة والفريدة.
سواد منتصف الليل
فضي بارد
أبيض كريمي
أزرق شمسي
كن رائد الموضة
ألق نظرة طويلة على التصميم الجديد الرائع! يعد هذا الكمبيوتر المحمول النحيف والخفيف مثاليًا جدًا لسهولة الحمل، وقد قمنا بتحسين الشكل إلى أقصى حد مع علامة الشعار المرتفعة، وتصميم الغطاء المبوب، واللمسات الشريطية على مفتاح Enter ومفتاح ESC باللون البرتقالي المحجوب. ستكون بالتأكيد الشخص الذي يجب متابعته! ويمكنك الاستمتاع بمزيد من الإمكانيات مع المفصلة المسطحة ذات 180 درجة ، لمشاركة الشاشة بسهولة مع أصدقائك.
تجربة المستخدم
Thoughtful design
We go the extra mile to give you a more effortless and joyful experience, at work or play.
Your hygiene, our priority
ASUS Antimicrobial Guard is proven to inhibit bacterial growth by 99%31 with at least three years of protection.
تعرف على المزيد
Perfect brightness and color tone!
The ambient light color sensor auto-adjusts for changes in the environment brightness and color temperature.
ErgoSense keyboard, comfortable typing experience
The ASUS ErgoSense keyboard has an incredibly satisfying feel, with the optimum key bounce and travel, calculated with fine-tuned precision.
Physical webcam privacy shield
The integrated privacy shield slides over the webcam for instant privacy protection against prying eyes and disturbances.
One touch login
The fingerprint sensor integrated into the power button allows easy and secure one-touch login.
سعة البطارية
Unstoppable, all day long
When you’re café-hopping or burning the night oil, you need great battery life at all times. With up to 75 Wh battery4, Vivobook S 15 OLED makes your on-the-go life effortless. Even when you’re out of battery, the fast-charge technology tops it up to 60% in around 49 minutes32, keeping you productive or entertained for longer.
ما يصل إلى
75 واط
سعة البطارية
المؤتمرات الذكية
AI camera and audio system
Take back control of your meetings with our innovative camera system and ASUS AI noise-canceling audio technology, with new algorithms to make your conference calls even more productive. Vivobook S 15 OLED is perfect for any of your video conferencing.
Best online meeting experience
ASUS AiSense camera makes sure that you always look your best during virtual conferences.
Hear and be heard clearly
Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation leverages a massive deep-learning database to reduce background noise for microphone and audio.
All the ports
If the I/O port area on Vivobook S 15 OLED looks a little different, it’s because we’ve built it that way. Designed like a stack of building blocks, it’s the foundation for your connections to the outside world, with all the ports you need to connect your peripherals, displays or projectors. The ultrafast Thunderbolt™ 4 USB-C® ports support 8K external displays and up to 40 Gbps data transfers. There’s also an HDMI® 1.4 port that supports external displays, and a USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A port for 5 Gbps transfer speeds, along with an audio combo jack for the ultimate convenience.
Audio combo jack
Thunderbolt™ 4 USB-C®External display support and superfast data transfers
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A
HDMI® 1.4
DC in
USB 2.0
A treat for your ears
Vivobook S 15 OLED has an amazing stereo sound system certified by Harman Kardon, delivering powerful and immersive sound. Any entertainment or conversation will be crystal-clear, and the multi-dimensional sound of Dolby Atmos® will indulge you with sound that moves around for breathtaking realism in music, movies and TV. Vivobook S 15 OLED makes everything sound better!
Always in the best listening spot
Dive into a multi-dimensional cinematic sound experience with Dolby Atmos.
Maximum possible volume
Using a Smart Amplifier and ASUS Audio Booster technology, the audio volume is boosted by up to 5.25x.
الدرجة العسكرية
World’s most strictly tested US military-grade laptop durability9
Vivobook S 15 OLED33 are engineered with extraordinary toughness meet the exacting US MIL-STD-810H military-grade standard, undergoing 12 rigorous test methods and 26 punishing test procedures — exceeding industry standards. The upshot is a range of products that are renowned for reliability and durability. These factors also inherently benefit longevity and thus sustainability, so you can work, travel or relax with the confidence that your ASUS laptop is ready for the real world — today, and long into the future.
Learn more about each laptop quality test results
military-grade test methods
military-grade test procedures
extreme temperature endurance
humidity tolerance for 10 days
Shock Test
1. Functional shock
Operational, Unpackage, 40 g, 11 ms, 18 shocks
2. Transportation shock – on road
Non-operational, Package, 5.1-7.6 g, 11 ms, 3-42 shocks
3. Fragility
Non-operational, Unpackage, 30-50 g, 18 shocks
4. Crash hazard shock
Non-operational, Unpackage, 75 g, 6 ms, 12 shocks
5. Bench handling
Operational, Unpackage, 100 mm
Vibration Test
6. Two-wheeled trailer
Non-operational vibration: 5-500 Hz
Duration: 32 minutes
7. Wheeled vehicle
Non-operational vibration:5-500 Hz
Duration: 40 minutes
8. Common carrier
Operational vibration: 5-500 Hz
Duration: 60 minutes
High Temperature Test
9. Basic hot storage and transit
Non-operational, 30~63°C, 168 hours, 5~44% humidity
10. Basic hot operational
Operational, 30~43°C, 72 hours, 14~44% humidity
11. Hot dry storage and transit
Non-operational, 33~71°C, 168 hours
12. Hot dry operational
Operational, 32~49°C, 72 hours
Low Temperature Test
13. Basic climatic storage and transit
Non-operational, -25~-33°C, 168 hours
14. Basic climatic operational
Operational, -21~-32°C, 72 hours
15. Cold climatic storage and transit
Non-operational, -37~-46°C, 168 hours
16. Cold climatic operational
Operational, -37~-46°C, 72 hours
Sand and Dust Test
17. Blowing dust
أثناء التشغيل
Particle density: 10 +/- 7 g/m3
Air velocity: 300~1750 ft/min
Temperature: 60°C
18. Blowing sand
أثناء التشغيل
Particle density: 1.2 g/m3
Air velocity: 28 m/s
Temperature: 60°C
Altitude Test
19. Altitude storage
Non-operational, 40,000 feet, -20°C, 12 hours
20. Altitude operation
Operational, 15,000 feet, 5°C/40°C, 12 hours
Freeze and Thaw Test
21. Freeze and thaw test
Humidity: 95% RH
Temperature: 30°C/-10°C
Duration: 1 hour, 3 cycles
Humidity Test
22. Humidity test
Humidity: 95% RH
Duration: 10 days
Temperature Shock Test
23. Temperature shock
Temperature: -51~71°C
Duration: 1 hour, 3 cycles
Solar Radiation Test
24. Solar radiation
Spectral irradiance: 1120 W/m2, 49°C
Duration: 24 hours, 3 cycles
Mechanical Vibration Test
25. Mechanical vibration
أثناء التشغيل
Frequency: 4-33 Hz
Duration: 2 hours
Explosive Atmosphere Test
26. Explosive atmosphere
أثناء التشغيل
Altitude: 15,000~3300 feet
Explosive air: 95% n-Hexane
Truly personalized workflow
MyASUS hosts a collection of handy ASUS apps and tools that help you get more out of your laptop. GlideX is a powerful cross-device screen-sharing solution. ScreenXpert helps you to manage app windows across displays connected to your ASUS PC, giving you full control of your workflow!
MyASUS provides easy access to ASUS apps that are designed to help you maintain your system, update your software, optimize your PC’s performance, and contact ASUS for after-sales support.
Learn more about MyASUS
GlideX is a cross-device screen-sharing solution that uses wired or wireless connections to give you a bigger and better space for work and play. GlideX optimizes your workflow in the blink of an eye!
Learn more about GlideX
ScreenXpert for ASUS PCs
ScreenXpert for ASUS PCs — which you can download from Microsoft Store or find in your PC’s Start menu — helps you to manage app windows across displays connected to your ASUS PC and puts you in full control of your workflow!
Learn more about ScreenXpert for ASUS PCs
- Xbox Game Pass optional. 30-day trial for Xbox Game Pass for PC. Activation required. Credit card required. Unless you cancel, you will be charged the current subscription rate when your trial ends. Game catalog varies over time ( A conversion ratio applies for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate users. Limit: 1 per person/account.
- The devices referred to on this web page are the most highly-specified models available. Some models and configurations may not have an OLED display option. Please check the product specifications to ensure that the correct type of display is configured before purchasing in-store or online.
- The characteristics of an OLED display can eventually change over long periods of use, leading to visible changes. This is completely normal, and can cause behavior such as image burn-in or persistence: this means that a faint ghost of an image remains visible even when it’s replaced by a new image. These effects are more likely to occur if a non-moving (static) high-contrast image is displayed for an excessively long time. ASUS laptops with an OLED display minimize this risk by setting Windows Dark mode as default, as well as shortening the idle time before the screen is turned off — both on mains (AC) and battery (DC) power. This dual approach minimizes the potential for burn-in to maximize the lifespan of your OLED display lifespan, and also reduces unnecessary power draw for optimal battery life. We also recommended adjusting the brightness of your OLED display to complement the ambient lighting in your environment, rather than keeping the screen at maximum brightness at all times. You should also ensure that you have an animated, dark-background screensaver enabled in the Windows Settings tool.
- By default, all models are set to a 60 Hz refresh rate. Users can increase this to the display’s maximum refresh rate manually via the display settings. For more information, please read the guidelines:
- Average test results: Delta-E < 1.5, +/- 0.5. Over time, the Delta-E value of the display may change. It is recommended to recalibrate the color to ensure color accuracy.
- The figures are based on theoretical performance. Actual performance may vary in real-world situations.
- Battery durability and charging speed will vary depending on usage.
- Maximum SSD capacity may vary according to device configuration.
- Maximum RAM capacity may vary according to device configuration.
- Product weight may vary according to device configuration.
- Clinical testing using the ISO 22196 standard protocol proved that bacterial growth were inhibited by 99% over a 24-hour period. A 99% reduction in potentially harmful microorganisms is defined as the number of bacteria on the surface dropping from 1,000,000 (cfu/ml) to 100 (cfu/ml).
- Selected products are tested using enhanced military-grade MIL-STD-810H durability standards, with 12 test methods and 26 test procedures, to ensure extraordinary toughness. Based on ASUS internal market research using available information and testing reports from main laptop brand websites on Oct 28, 2022, ASUS consumer laptops use a regime consisting of 26 test procedures, which is the consumer laptop industry’s strictest and most extensive test regime for the MIL-STD-810H standard.
- Intel® Evo™ verification applies to certain configurations verified by Intel® Evo™ platform. For more details, please contact your local ASUS representatives.
- WiFi 6E availability may vary by country and their specific regulations. Feature only supported by Windows 11 or later.
- 802.11ax 2x2 160 MHz enables 2402 Mbps maximum theoretical data rate, ~3x faster than standard 802.11ac 2x2 80 MHz (867 Mbps) and nearly 6x faster than baseline 1x1ac (433 Mbps) Wi-Fi as documented in IEEE 802.11 wireless standard specifications, and require the use of similarly configured 802.11ax wireless network routers.
- This amendment defines standardized modifications to both the IEEE 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control layer (MAC) that enable at least one mode of operation capable of supporting at least four times improvement in the average throughput per station (measured at the MAC data service access point) in a dense deployment scenario, while maintaining or improving the power efficiency per station. For additional details visit:
- “Up to 75% lower latency” is based on Intel simulation data of 802.11ax with and without OFDMA using 9 clients. Average latency without OFDM is 36 ms, with OFDMA average latency is reduced to 7.6 ms. Latency improvement requires that the AP and all clients support OFDMA.
- Performance claim is based on the Cinebench R23 Multi Core benchmark, comparing the score of Vivobook 16 X1605VA tested by ASUS in Nov 2022 (configured with an Intel Core i9-13900H CPU, 16 GB DDR4, and a 1TB PCIe 3.0 SSD) to Vivobook 16 X1605VA tested by ASUS in Nov 2022 (with an Intel Core i7-13700H CPU, 12 GB DDR4, and a 512GB PCIe 3.0 SSD), and Vivobook 16 X1605ZA (with an Intel Core i7-1255U CPU, 16 GB DDR4, and a 1 TB PCIe 3.0 SDD). Test settings: select Performance mode under Fan profile in MyASUS, and idle the laptop for 10mins prior to running the benchmark under AC mode.
- The component placement is for reference only, and may vary by model and configuration.
- Compared to an average LCD laptop panel. Average LCD display has a 10 ms response time.
- Compared to average LCD displays in the market, measuring energy emission of blue light in between 415-455 nm wavelength.
- The tabbed lid design will be black on Midnight Black and Cool Silver chassis, and will be orange on Solar Blue and Cream White chassis.
- ISO 21702 specifies proper methods for measuring antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces of antiviral-treated products. Test Viruses used in this International Standard are as follows: Influenza: An enveloped virus known to cause respiratory tract infection in humans. Feline calicivirus: A non-enveloped virus used in place of noroviruses known to cause enteric pathogens due to similar biological properties.
- ISO 22196:2011 specifies a method of evaluating the antibacterial activity of antibacterial-treated plastics, and other non-porous, surfaces of products (including intermediate products).
- COVID-19, H3N2, H1N1, E. coli and Staphylococcus tests were performed by independent third-party laboratories: Boken Quality Evaluation Institute, Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center, and National Defense Medical Center.
- Antimicrobial treatments are manufactured by Co-Action Corporation.
- The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) is the Federal statute that governs the registration, distribution, sale, and use of pesticides in the United States.
- The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012) concerns the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals, materials or articles against harmful organisms like pests or bacteria, by the action of the active substances contained in the biocidal product.
- Note that the protective effects of ASUS Antibacterial Guard were tested by ASUS on April 26, 2021, and follow the ISO 22196 method on our specially-treated test samples. The tests provide a simulation of three years of wear and tear, and include exposure to salt spray, thermal shocks, and both alcohol and wool-felt tests. Actual effective antibacterial-protection period may vary depending on product configuration and usage.
- As of 22 August 2022, refer to WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard.
- Learn more:
- Learn more:
- The actual composition of ASUS Antimicrobial Guard Plus may vary.
- ASUS Antimicrobial Guard is applied to the laptop areas that users touch most frequently, including keyboard, the palm rest area, the power button/fingerprint sensor and touchpad. A sticker on the laptop will help to identify the device is covered by Antimicrobial Guard due to different spec configuration.
- Fast Charging Technology is tested while the device is powered off with the default adapter included with the device. Charging time may vary +/- 10% due to system tolerance.
- The testing regime includes the requirements of both military-grade standards and ASUS quality tests, and varies depending on device. MIL-STD-810 testing is conducted on selected ASUS products only. Note that the MIL-STD-810 testing helps to ensure the quality of ASUS products but does not indicate a particular fitness for military use. The test is performed under laboratory conditions. Any damage caused by attempts to replicate these test conditions would be considered accidental, and would not be covered by the standard ASUS warranty. Additional coverage is available with ASUS Premium Care.
- EPEAT registered where applicable. EPEAT registration varies by country. See for registration status by country.
- Percentage varies according to device configuration.