EHA 2023 Reader Awards
Die Bruttoleistung konnte uns überzeugen und das Design der Router macht einiges her
Ich würde Euch das ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 System primär empfehlen wenn Ihr wirklich große Distanzen schnell „brücken“ wollt.
Ich würde Euch das ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 System primär empfehlen wenn Ihr wirklich große Distanzen schnell „brücken“ wollt.
Empfehlung Spitzenklasse
"The ZenWiFi AX system was a cinch to set up and use, it offers a much stronger degree of customization than you typically get with a mesh system and it performed like a champ, keeping speeds high throughout all corners of my home and never dropping my signal as I moved from room to room."
Empowering SMEs in Singapore
You can fully customize your entire setup in your home from the app itself
All in all, I have to emphasize that this is one of the easiest routers to set up!
This router has an insane performance and the best part is that you don't need to lay out LAN cables for each floor and still have the best internet speed.
UPGRADE Router Rumah ANTI RIBET ❌ | ASUS Mesh Router XT8
Mesh Wifi, Solusi Sinyal Wifi Lemah | Ft. ASUS ZenWifi AX XT8
Alles in allem liefert Asus hervorragende Mesh-Systeme, gerade bei Wifi-6. Wer auf den 2,5-GBit/s-Anschluss Wert legt, der sollte zum AX XT8 greifen.
Which leaves us with an important question. If you are going to splash out on a fancy router, do you want one that's only going to be good for a year or two or, as full-fibre becomes available to more than just those of us who live in big cities, do you want one that's going to be futureproofed for the next five or more years? If the latter, perhaps the new flagship ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AXE16000 router will be the solution you crave. It's certainly not priced for the average user, but it has so m
...then you have both the best performing and the most extensive mesh system on the market.
Review Asus Zenwifi ET8 - The best choice for wifi mesh system